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Dataset: Composite
Catalog: RegClim THREDDS Server


OpenDAP Data Access Access dataset through OPeNDAP using the DAP2 protocol.
DAP4 Data Access Access dataset using the DAP4 protocol.
HTTPServer Data Access HTTP file download.
WCS Data Access Supports access to geospatial data as 'coverages'.
WMS Data Access Supports access to georegistered map images from geoscience datasets.
NetcdfSubset Data Access A web service for subsetting CDM scientific grid datasets.
CdmRemote Data Access Provides index subsetting on remote CDM datasets, using ncstream.
ISO Metadata Provide ISO 19115 metadata representation of a dataset's structure and metadata.
NCML Metadata Provide NCML representation of a dataset.
UDDC Metadata An evaluation of how well the metadata contained in the dataset conforms to the NetCDF Attribute Convention for Data Discovery (NACDD)


Godiva3 Browser
default_viewer.ipynb Jupyter Notebook The TDS default viewer attempts to plot any Variable contained in the Dataset.
Geospatial Coverage


  • summary: The goal of this project was to (1) develop consistent historical and future downscaled climate and hydrologic data and projections using the same methodology for several major river basins in the western United States (Columbia, upper Missouri, upper Colorado, and Great Basins) and (2) summarize that information in forms consistent with the needs of the funding agencies. This report describes where to get the information developed as well as the methods, results obtained, uses of and uncertainties associated with the data and projections.
  • summary: Littell, J.S., M.M. Elsner, G. S. Mauger, E. Lutz, A.F. Hamlet, and E. Salathe. 2011. Regional Climate and Hydrologic Change in the Northern US Rockies and Pacific Northwest: Internally Consistent Projections of Future Climate for Resource Management. Draft report: January 7, 2011.
  • rights: All model datasets are freely available and are intended for further climate-related scientific research. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.


  • : CIG
  • : statistical downscaling
  • : climate




  • Longitude: -116.9688 to -105.0312 degrees_east
  • Latitude: 30.03125 to 43.96875 degrees_north
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