1 Fire Program Analysis Fire-Occurrence Database

Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2013/Fire Program Analysis Fire-Occurrence Database [FPA_FOD_20150323] (3nd Edition) (Short, K.C., 2014, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 6, 1-27) – http://www.fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/Product/RDS-2013-0009.3/.

1.1 Overview

This is the K.C. Short (2014) data set, 2015 version (updated through 2013), read in directly from the source Microsoft Access data base, so there was no external manipulation of the data. Note that the connection to the particular Access database (FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb) is established externally to R using (on Windows) the Data Sources tool (i.e. Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)).

1.2 Read data

Read the data from the Access database:

# add DSN: Control Panel > Administrtative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)
dbname <- "FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb"
fpafod.db <- odbcConnect(dbname)
##                          DBMS_Name                           DBMS_Ver                    Driver_ODBC_Ver 
##                           "ACCESS"                       "12.00.0000"                            "03.51" 
##                   Data_Source_Name                        Driver_Name                         Driver_Ver 
##           "FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb"                      "ACEODBC.DLL" "Microsoft Access database engine" 
##                           ODBC_Ver                        Server_Name 
##                       "03.80.0000"                           "ACCESS"
sqlTables(fpafod.db, tableType="TABLE")
##                                                                                    TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM
## 1 E:\\Projects\\fire\\DailyFireStarts\\data\\RDS-2013-0009.3\\source\\FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb        <NA>
## 2 E:\\Projects\\fire\\DailyFireStarts\\data\\RDS-2013-0009.3\\source\\FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb        <NA>
##                   TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS
## 1                      Fires      TABLE    <NA>
## 2 NWCG_UnitIdActive_20120305      TABLE    <NA>
sqlColumns(fpafod.db, "Fires")$COLUMN_NAME
##  [1] "FOD_ID"                     "FPA_ID"                     "SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE"        
## [10] "LOCAL_FIRE_REPORT_ID"       "LOCAL_INCIDENT_ID"          "FIRE_CODE"                 
## [13] "FIRE_NAME"                  "ICS_209_INCIDENT_NUMBER"    "ICS_209_NAME"              
## [16] "MTBS_ID"                    "MTBS_FIRE_NAME"             "COMPLEX_NAME"              
## [19] "FIRE_YEAR"                  "DISCOVERY_DATE"             "DISCOVERY_DOY"             
## [22] "DISCOVERY_TIME"             "STAT_CAUSE_CODE"            "STAT_CAUSE_DESCR"          
## [25] "CONT_DATE"                  "CONT_DOY"                   "CONT_TIME"                 
## [28] "FIRE_SIZE"                  "FIRE_SIZE_CLASS"            "LATITUDE"                  
## [31] "LONGITUDE"                  "OWNER_CODE"                 "OWNER_DESCR"               
## [34] "STATE"                      "COUNTY"                     "FIPS_CODE"                 
## [37] "FIPS_NAME"

Define query


Get the data (this can take a little while).

fpafod <- sqlQuery(fpafod.db, query1)


## 1      1                    FS      2005     2005-02-02            33               9 2005-02-02
## 2      2                    FS      2004     2004-05-12           133               1 2004-05-12
## 3      3                    FS      2004     2004-05-31           152               5 2004-05-31
## 4      4                    FS      2004     2004-06-28           180               1 2004-07-03
## 5      5                    FS      2004     2004-06-28           180               1 2004-07-03
## 6      6                    FS      2004     2004-06-30           182               1 2004-07-01
## 1       33      0.10 40.03694 -121.0058    CA        2        2 0.0404686
## 2      133      0.25 38.93306 -120.4044    CA       12        5 0.1011715
## 3      152      0.10 38.98417 -120.7356    CA       31        5 0.0404686
## 4      185      0.10 38.55917 -119.9133    CA       28        6 0.0404686
## 5      185      0.10 38.55917 -119.9331    CA       28        6 0.0404686
## 6      183      0.10 38.63528 -120.1036    CA       30        6 0.0404686
##  Min.   :        1   ST/C&L :1254551       Min.   :1992   Min.   :1992-01-01   Min.   :  1.0  
##  1st Qu.:   465673   FS     : 206731       1st Qu.:1998   1st Qu.:1998-04-25   1st Qu.: 89.0  
##  Median :   985582   BIA    : 108423       Median :2003   Median :2003-06-30   Median :164.0  
##  Mean   : 32179232   BLM    :  90801       Mean   :2003   Mean   :2003-03-31   Mean   :164.9  
##  3rd Qu.:  1761114   IA     :  21841       3rd Qu.:2008   3rd Qu.:2008-05-05   3rd Qu.:230.0  
##  Max.   :201940182   NPS    :  19571       Max.   :2013   Max.   :2013-12-31   Max.   :366.0  
##                      (Other):  25558                                                          
##  STAT_CAUSE_CODE    CONT_DATE                      CONT_DOY        FIRE_SIZE           LATITUDE    
##  Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :1992-01-01 00:00:00   Min.   :  1.0    Min.   :     0.0   Min.   :17.94  
##  1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.:1996-09-03 00:00:00   1st Qu.:104.0    1st Qu.:     0.1   1st Qu.:32.83  
##  Median : 5.000   Median :2003-05-07 00:00:00   Median :183.0    Median :     1.0   Median :35.40  
##  Mean   : 5.921   Mean   :2003-04-05 08:42:42   Mean   :173.9    Mean   :    73.0   Mean   :36.79  
##  3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.:2009-06-26 00:00:00   3rd Qu.:232.0    3rd Qu.:     3.6   3rd Qu.:40.77  
##  Max.   :13.000   Max.   :2013-12-31 00:00:00   Max.   :366.0    Max.   :606945.0   Max.   :70.14  
##                   NA's   :854941                NA's   :854941                                     
##    LONGITUDE           STATE           startday       startmon         AREA_HA         
##  Min.   :-178.80   CA     :173634   Min.   : 1.0   Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :     0.00  
##  1st Qu.:-109.83   GA     :162479   1st Qu.: 8.0   1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.:     0.04  
##  Median : -91.18   TX     :125227   Median :15.0   Median : 6.000   Median :     0.40  
##  Mean   : -95.29   NC     :104263   Mean   :15.5   Mean   : 5.935   Mean   :    29.55  
##  3rd Qu.: -82.25   FL     : 85576   3rd Qu.:23.0   3rd Qu.: 8.000   3rd Qu.:     1.45  
##  Max.   : -65.26   SC     : 78127   Max.   :31.0   Max.   :12.000   Max.   :245622.14  
##                    (Other):998170
## [1] 1727476
str(fpafod, strict.width="cut")
## 'data.frame':    1727476 obs. of  15 variables:
##  $ FOD_ID               : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY: Factor w/ 11 levels "BIA","BLM","BOR",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
##  $ FIRE_YEAR            : int  2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2004 ...
##  $ DISCOVERY_DATE       : Date, format: "2005-02-02" "2004-05-12" "2004-05-31" ...
##  $ DISCOVERY_DOY        : int  33 133 152 180 180 182 183 67 74 183 ...
##  $ STAT_CAUSE_CODE      : num  9 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 ...
##  $ CONT_DATE            : POSIXct, format: "2005-02-02" "2004-05-12" "2004-05-31" ...
##  $ CONT_DOY             : int  33 133 152 185 185 183 184 67 74 184 ...
##  $ FIRE_SIZE            : num  0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8 1 0.1 ...
##  $ LATITUDE             : num  40 38.9 39 38.6 38.6 ...
##  $ LONGITUDE            : num  -121 -120 -121 -120 -120 ...
##  $ STATE                : Factor w/ 52 levels "AK","AL","AR",..: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
##  $ startday             : num  2 12 31 28 28 30 1 8 15 1 ...
##  $ startmon             : num  2 5 5 6 6 6 7 3 3 7 ...
##  $ AREA_HA              : num  0.0405 0.1012 0.0405 0.0405 0.0405 ...

Get the startday number (startdaynum day number in the year), and month (startmon) and day (startday) of each record.

fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE <- as.Date(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE)
fpafod$startday <- as.numeric(format(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE, format="%d"))
fpafod$startmon <- as.numeric(format(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE, format="%m"))

Convert acres to hectares

fpafod$AREA_HA <- fpafod$FIRE_SIZE * 0.404686

1.3 All fires

1.3.1 Maps

Map the data:

plot(fpafod$LONGITUDE, fpafod$LATITUDE, ylim=c(17,80), xlim=c(-180,-55), type = "n")
map("world", add = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = "gray")
points(fpafod$LONGITUDE, fpafod$LATITUDE, pch = 16, cex=0.2, col="red")

1.3.2 Time series

Number of fires by different causes

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined;  
##      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11     12     13 
## 260311 137575  49633  68684 390702  32569 267987  58354 291678  10350  11315   3178 145140

Number of fires per year

hist(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR, xlim=c(1980,2015), ylim=c(0,150000),breaks=seq(1979.5,2015.5,by=1))

##   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006 
##  67964  62022  75989  71496  75604  61472  68388  89398  96454  86069  75136  67380  68616  87391 113242 
##   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013 
##  94681  84654  77262  78485  89897  71768  64108
hist(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], xlim=c(1980,2015), ylim=c(0,150000),
  breaks=seq(1979.5,2014.5,by=1), main="fpafod Natural")

table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1])
##  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008 
## 12240  7545 16212  8078 12643  8456 10893 11810 16559 13842 12480 13849 11732 11104 16958 12719  9914 
##  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
## 10492  8980 12539 11130 10136
hist(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], xlim=c(1980,2015), ylim=c(0,150000),
  breaks=seq(1979.5,2014.5,by=1), main="fpafod Human")

table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1])
##  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008 
## 55724 54477 59777 63418 62961 53016 57495 77588 79895 72227 62656 53531 56884 76287 96284 81962 74740 
##  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
## 66770 69505 77358 60638 53972

Get the total area burned by year

total_by_year <- tapply(fpafod$AREA_HA, fpafod$FIRE_YEAR, sum)
##      1992      1993      1994      1995      1996      1997      1998      1999      2000      2001 
##  889967.4  886494.5 1666373.0  829494.6 2430644.9 1301188.9  806010.4 2455889.8 3090726.6 1506323.0 
##      2002      2003      2004      2005      2006      2007      2008      2009      2010      2011 
## 2752402.0 1810067.0 3331301.4 3901577.5 4062770.0 3748792.6 2187148.7 2449661.4 1411129.9 3891441.7 
##      2012      2013 
## 3820172.7 1816678.9
year <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(total_by_year)))
total_by_year <- as.numeric(total_by_year)
plot(total_by_year ~ year, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="red", main="Total Area Burned (ha) (U.S. All)")

Mean area burned by year.

mean_by_year <- tapply(fpafod$AREA_HA, fpafod$FIRE_YEAR, mean)
##     1992     1993     1994     1995     1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002 
## 13.09469 14.29323 21.92913 11.60197 32.14969 21.16718 11.78585 27.47142 32.04353 17.50134 36.63227 
##     2003     2004     2005     2006     2007     2008     2009     2010     2011     2012     2013 
## 26.86357 48.54992 44.64507 35.87688 39.59393 25.83633 31.70590 17.97961 43.28778 53.22947 28.33779
year <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(mean_by_year)))
mean_by_year <- as.numeric(mean_by_year)
plot(mean_by_year ~ year, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="red", main="Mean Area Burned (ha) (U.S. All)")

1.3.3 Start-day summaries

Histograms of the start day number

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY, breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,12000), xlim=c(0,400))

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,12000), xlim=c(0,400), main="DISCOVERY_DOY (Lightning)")

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,12000), xlim=c(0,400), main="DISCOVERY_DOY (Human)")

Histograms of the start day over all months

hist(fpafod$startday, breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,70000))

hist(fpafod$startday[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,70000), main="startday (Lighting)")

hist(fpafod$startday[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,70000),  main="startday (Human)")

1.3.4 Mosaic plots

Mosaic plots, showing the distribution of fires by month and year.

fpafod.tablemon <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR, fpafod$startmon)
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablemon, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="All Fires")

fpafod.tablemon.n <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], 
  fpafod$startmon[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1])
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablemon.n, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="Natural Fires")

fpafod.tablemon.h <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], 
  fpafod$startmon[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1])
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablemon.h, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="Human Fires")

fpafod.tablecause <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR, fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY)
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablecause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="Fires by Organization")

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
fpafod.tablecause <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR, fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE)
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablecause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="Fires by Cause")

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
fpafod.tableagencycause <- table(fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY, fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE)
mosaicplot(fpafod.tableagencycause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="Fires by Agency and Cause")

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
fpafod.tablecause <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY =="ST/C&L"], 
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablecause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="ST/C&L Fires by Cause")

1.3.5 Cause summary

Histograms by cause

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (1 Lightning)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 2], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (2 Equipment Use)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 3], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (3 Smoking)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 4], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (4 Campfire)")

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 5], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (5 Debris Burning)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 6], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (6 Railroad)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 7], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (7 Arson)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 8], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (8 Children)")  

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 9], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (9 Miscellaneous)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 10], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (10 Fireworks)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 11], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (11 Power Line)")
hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 12], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (12 Structure)")

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 13], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,4000), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="DISCOVERY_DOY (13 Missing/Undefined)")

Number of fires/year (FS and FWS)

hist(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY =="FS"], xlim=c(1980,2015), ylim=c(0,40000),

hist(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY =="FWS"], xlim=c(1980,2015), ylim=c(0,40000),

Mosaic plots by agency (FS and FWS)

##     BIA     BLM     BOR     DOD     DOE      FS     FWS      IA     NPS  ST/C&L   TRIBE 
##  108423   90801      11      59       1  206731   18409   21841   19571 1254551    7078
fpafod.tablemon <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY == "FS"], 
  fpafod$startmon[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY == "FS"])
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablemon, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="All Fires -- FS")

fpafod.tablemon <- table(fpafod$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY == "FWS"], 
  fpafod$startmon[fpafod$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY == "FWS"])
mosaicplot(fpafod.tablemon, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="All Fires -- FWS")

Fish and Wildlife Service data might have discontinuities between 1998 and 1999, and maybe between 2007 and 2008.

1.4 Large(r) fires only

sizecut <- 10.
fpafod.large <- fpafod[fpafod$AREA_HA > sizecut,]
fpafod.large.tablecause <- table(fpafod.large$FIRE_YEAR, fpafod.large$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY)
mosaicplot(fpafod.large.tablecause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="Large Fires by Organization")

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
fpafod.large.tablecause <- table(fpafod.large$FIRE_YEAR, fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE)
mosaicplot(fpafod.large.tablecause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="Large Fires by Cause")

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
fpafod.large.tableagencycause <- table(fpafod.large$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY, fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE)
mosaicplot(fpafod.large.tableagencycause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, 
  main="Large Fires by Agency and Cause")

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
fpafod.large.tablecause <- table(fpafod.large$FIRE_YEAR[fpafod.large$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY =="ST/C&L"], 
  fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE[fpafod.large$NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY =="ST/C&L"])
mosaicplot(fpafod.large.tablecause, cex.axis=0.6, las=2, color=mosaiccolor, main="ST/C&L Large Fires by Cause")

1.4.1 Cause summary

Histograms by cause

# 1 Lightning; 2 Equipment Use; 3 Smoking; 4 Campfire; 5 Debris Burning; 6 Railroad; 7 Arson; 8 Children; 
# 9 Miscellaneous; 10 Fireworks; 11 Power Line; 12 Structure; 13 Missing/Undefined
oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
ymax <- 500
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (1 Lightning)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 2], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (2 Equipment Use)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 3], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (3 Smoking)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 4], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (4 Campfire)")

hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 5], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (5 Debris Burning)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 6], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (6 Railroad)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 7], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (7 Arson)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 8], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (8 Children)")  

hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 9], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (9 Miscellaneous)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 10], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (10 Fireworks)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 11], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (11 Power Line)")
hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 12], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (12 Structure)")

hist(fpafod.large$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod.large$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 13], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,ymax), xlim=c(0,400), xlab="", main="Large Fires DISCOVERY_DOY (13 Missing/Undefined)")

proc.time() - ptm
##    user  system elapsed 
##   13.03   -7.00    7.30