1 Analysis of the size distributions of lightning-started fires

1.1 Overview

The U.S. and Candadian data sets are observed with different area units – acres and hectares, respectively – and so might be expected to be non-homogeneous, or structurally different, at small fire sizes. Here we analyze the size-distribution of the two data sets, separately and jointly, and restricted to lightning-started fires, to avoid the further complication of natural-vs-human ignitions, in order to determine the extent of that non-homogenetity and to identify a minimum-size threshold that can be used to reduce the “noice” of small fire sizes.

1.2 Lightning fire numbers and sizes

load the merged data set


1.2.1 US (FPA-FOD data)

Get FPA-FOD data:

fpafod <- uscan[uscan$datasource == "fpafod", ]

Get lightning fires. The folowing code 1) gets the fires, 2) filters by cause, 3) sorts the data from smallest to largest fire.

# get lighting-only fires
fpafod.lt <- fpafod[fpafod$cause1 == 1 ,]
fpafod.nfires <- length(fpafod.lt[,1])
## [1] 260311
fpafod.index <-order(fpafod.lt$area_ha, na.last=FALSE)
fpafod.lt <- fpafod.lt[fpafod.index ,]
fpafod.lt$rank <- seq(fpafod.nfires, 1)
##              [,1]   [,2]
## [1,] 0.0000404686 260311
## [2,] 0.0000404686 260310
## [3,] 0.0000809372 260309
## [4,] 0.0001857509 260308
## [5,] 0.0004046860 260307
## [6,] 0.0004046860 260306
##               [,1] [,2]
## [260306,] 195576.7    6
## [260307,] 202320.7    5
## [260308,] 209254.2    4
## [260309,] 217570.1    3
## [260310,] 225895.0    2
## [260311,] 245622.1    1

Write a .csv files for browsing in Excel

write.table(fpafod.lt, paste(csvpath,"fpafod.lt.csv", sep=""), row.names=FALSE, sep=",")

Save the R dataset


1.2.2 Canada (CNFDB)

Get CNFDB data:

cnfdb <- uscan[uscan$datasource == "cnfdb", ]

Get lightning fires. The folowing code 1) gets the fires, 2) filters by cause, 3) sorts the data from smallest to largest fire.

# get lighting-only fires
cnfdb.lt <- cnfdb[cnfdb$cause1 == 1 ,]
cnfdb.nfires <- length(cnfdb.lt[,1])
## [1] 99041
cnfdb.index <-order(cnfdb.lt$area_ha, na.last=FALSE)
cnfdb.lt <- cnfdb.lt[cnfdb.index ,]
cnfdb.lt$rank <- seq(cnfdb.nfires, 1)
##      [,1]  [,2]
## [1,]    0 99041
## [2,]    0 99040
## [3,]    0 99039
## [4,]    0 99038
## [5,]    0 99037
## [6,]    0 99036
##              [,1] [,2]
## [99036,] 428100.0    6
## [99037,] 438000.0    5
## [99038,] 453144.0    4
## [99039,] 466420.3    3
## [99040,] 501689.1    2
## [99041,] 553680.0    1

Write a .csv files for browsing in Excel

write.table(cnfdb.lt, paste(csvpath,"cnfdb.lt.csv", sep=""), row.names=FALSE, sep=",")

Save the R dataset


2 Spatial patterns

There are two basic views of the two data sets that suggest that (in addition to issues like zero-area fires), that the data sets cannot be casually merged. These are 1) the map patterns, and 2 the (size and number) distributions (i.e. histograms) of the data.

2.1 Map patterns


Map the location of all fires

plot(0,0, ylim=c(17,80), xlim=c(-180,-55), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main="All Lightning Fires")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude ~ fpafod.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

There are some obvious artifacts in the spatial patterns.

2.1.1 NY and adjacent regions

New York stands out, especially Long Is.:

plot(0,0, ylim=c(40,55), xlim=c(-100,-60), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main="All Lightning Fires")
map(c("world"), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
map(c("state"), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude ~ fpafod.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

2.1.2 Great Plains

There seem to be very frew lightning fires in Kansas. There are some good things, however, in particular the prairie-forest border in Manitoba and Minnesota.

plot(0,0, ylim=c(30,55), xlim=c(-115,-90), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main="All Lightning Fires")
map(c("world"), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
map(c("state"), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude ~ fpafod.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

2.1.3 PNW

PNW Looks ok–no sign of country-border discontinuity.

plot(0,0, ylim=c(40,55), xlim=c(-130,-105), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main="All Lightning Fires")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
map(c("state"), add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude ~ fpafod.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

2.1.4 AK/NW Canada

There is a hint of a little discontinuity between Alaska and Canada.

plot(0,0, ylim=c(55,70), xlim=c(-165,-135), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main="All Lightning Fires")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude ~ fpafod.lt$longitude, pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

2.2 Map patterns by size class

2.2.1 Fires larger than 0.5 ha

cutsize <- 0.5
plot(0,0, ylim=c(17,80), xlim=c(-180,-55), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main=paste("All Lightning Fires >",as.character(cutsize),"ha"))
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude[cnfdb.lt$area_ha >= cutsize] ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude[cnfdb.lt$area_ha >= cutsize],
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude[fpafod.lt$area_ha >= cutsize] ~ fpafod.lt$longitude[fpafod.lt$area_ha >= cutsize], 
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

2.2.2 Fires larger than 1.0 ha

cutsize <- 1.0
plot(0,0, ylim=c(17,80), xlim=c(-180,-55), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main=paste("All Lightning Fires >",as.character(cutsize),"ha"))
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude[cnfdb.lt$area_ha >= cutsize] ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude[cnfdb.lt$area_ha >= cutsize],
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude[fpafod.lt$area_ha >= cutsize] ~ fpafod.lt$longitude[fpafod.lt$area_ha >= cutsize], 
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

2.2.3 Fires larger than 10.0 ha

cutsize <- 10.0
plot(0,0, ylim=c(17,80), xlim=c(-180,-55), type="n",
  xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", main=paste("All Lightning Fires >",as.character(cutsize),"ha"))
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(cnfdb.lt$latitude[cnfdb.lt$area_ha >= cutsize] ~ cnfdb.lt$longitude[cnfdb.lt$area_ha >= cutsize],
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
points(fpafod.lt$latitude[fpafod.lt$area_ha >= cutsize] ~ fpafod.lt$longitude[fpafod.lt$area_ha >= cutsize], 
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")

There is little difference in the patterns between 0.5 and 1.0 ha, but the NY overrepresentation issue is much reduced. Between 1.0 and 10.0 ha, the overall number of points are naturally reduced, but the overall patterns remain.

3 Size distributions

3.1 Simple histograms

The idea here is to look at the distributions (e.g. histograms) of the two data sets. It’s going to turn out that the differ quite a bit. There are two possible reasons for that outcome: 1) they differ becauses of unavoidable/unfixable difference in the way the data were collected, or 2) they differ owing to the different environments of Canada and the U.S. (including Alaska). It will also turn out that the distributions at the low end of the range of fire sizes are pretty noisy, while at the upper end they are more generally similar in overall “look”.

hist(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(0,120000), breaks=100,
  col="pink", border="red", main="Area (Lightning Fires)", xlab="log10 Area(ha)")
hist(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(0,120000), breaks=100,
  col=NULL, border="blue", add=TRUE)
fpafod.nfires0 <- length(fpafod.lt$area_ha); cnfdb.nfires0 <- length(cnfdb.lt$area_ha)
legend("topright", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(fpafod.nfires0),"Fires"),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(cnfdb.nfires0),"Fires")), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

The main observation is that the histograms are quite “lumpy”, and don’t really smooth out until the size of fires reaches between 10 and 100 ha. The individual “spikes” in number of fires smaller than, say, 1 ha, are related to recording precision (e.g. 0.2, 0.4, etc. ha) or the acre-to-hectare conversion. For example, the large spike in US fires at 10^-1.3928 (113292) corresponds to fires coded as 0.1 acres (= 0.04069 ha), while the two spikes at 10^-2 (12755 fires) and 10^-1 (35126 fires) correspond to fires coded as 0.01 and 0.1 ha, respectively. Thus a lot of the detail at the small end of the size range in both data sets is probably artifactual.

Slightly wider bins don’t fix anything:

hist(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(0,120000), breaks=50,
  col="pink", border="red", main="Area (Lightning Fires)", xlab="log10 Area")
hist(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(0,120000), breaks=50,
  col=NULL, border="blue", add=TRUE)
legend("topright", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(fpafod.nfires0),"Fires"),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(cnfdb.nfires0),"Fires")), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

… and narrow bins seem even more noisier, and prone to effects of recording and transformation:

hist(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(0,120000), breaks=200,
  col="pink", border="red", main="Area (Lightning Fires)", xlab="log10 Area")
hist(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(0,120000), breaks=200,
  col=NULL, border="blue", add=TRUE)
legend("topright", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(fpafod.nfires0),"Fires"),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(cnfdb.nfires0),"Fires")), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

3.2 Area-Frequency Plots

So, at first glance, the distributions of the two data sets differ a lot, particularly at the low end. The question then becomes the role of the small fires, and where this is headed to is the question of whether, if the small fires are “censored” or removed, how comparable are the distributions of the large fires, and in particular, comparable enough to feel good about mergin the data sets. Ultimately we’re going to rely on how well the distribution of fires above some threshold can be represented by one or the other of the two extreme-value distributions (Pareto or tapered Pareto) the fire data gravitates toward. If the data “fit” one or the other (but the same) distributions that would argue that the underlying generating mechanisms in the two data sets are basically consistent with one another.

What follows is a bunch of frequency-area plots that illustrate the broad differences between the distributions (either number or size of fires) in the two data sets.

fpafod.nifires0 <- length(fpafod.lt$area_ha); cnfdb.nfires0 <- length(cnfdb.lt$area_ha)
plot(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), (seq(1,fpafod.nfires)), type="l", lwd=2, col="red", 
  xlim=c(-4,6), xlab="log10(Area (ha))", ylab="Cumulative Total Number of Lightning Fires", 
  main="Cumulative Total Number of Lighting Fires")
points(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), (seq(1,cnfdb.nfires0)), 
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(fpafod.nfires)),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(cnfdb.nfires0))), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

The above plot shows the cumulative number of fires as a function of fire size (on a logarthmic scale–there no really meaningful way to plot these data on a linear area scale). Just eyeballing this, it looks like in both data sets, roughly half of the fires are those with areas less than 10^-1 (0.1 ha). There over twice as many fires in the U.S> data set than in the Candadian data set, but the shapes of the curves are broadly similar.

plot(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), (seq(1,fpafod.nfires)/fpafod.nfires), type="l", lwd=2, col="red", 
  xlim=c(-4,6), xlab="log10(Area (ha))", ylab="Cumulative Proportion", 
  main="Cumulative Proportion of Total Number of Lighting Fires")
cnfdb.nfires0 <- length(cnfdb.lt$area_ha)
points(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), (seq(1,cnfdb.nfires0)/cnfdb.nfires0), 
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(fpafod.nfires)),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(cnfdb.nfires0))), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

The plots above show the cumulative proportion of the total number of fires in each data set as a function of area, and makes it easier to see the implication of the first plot–roughly half of the fires in each data set are smaller than 0.1 ha, and half are bigger. That size of fire is relatively small in the general scheme of things, but they are quantatively important in terms of overall ignitions. Consequently it would not be good idea to simply just ignore them. However, importance in frequency is not necessarily importance in area.

fpafod.cumsum <- cumsum(fpafod.lt$area_ha); cnfdb.cumsum <- cumsum(cnfdb.lt$area_ha)
plot(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), fpafod.cumsum, main="Cumulative Area Burned (Lightning)", ylim=c(0,8e+7),
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", col="red", lwd=2, xlim=c(-4,6), xlab="log10(AREA(ha))", ylab="Cumulative Area(ha)")
points(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), cnfdb.cumsum, 
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(max(fpafod.cumsum)),"ha"),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(max(cnfdb.cumsum)),"ha")), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

The above plot shows the cumulative area burned as a function of area. The first order observation is that the Canadian fires, while half as many in number as the U.S. fires, ultimately burn twice as much area. The two curves cross at around 3000 ha; above that area, Canadian fires dominate

fpafod.cumsum <- cumsum(fpafod.lt$area_ha); cnfdb.cumsum <- cumsum(cnfdb.lt$area_ha)
plot(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), (fpafod.cumsum/max(fpafod.cumsum)), 
  main="Cumulative Proportion Total Area Burned (LIghtning)",
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", col="red", lwd=2, xlim=c(-4,6), 
  xlab="log10(AREA)", ylab="Cumulative Proportion")
points(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), (cnfdb.cumsum/max(cnfdb.cumsum)), 
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(max(fpafod.cumsum)),"ha"),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(max(cnfdb.cumsum)),"ha")), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

fpafod.cumsum <- cumsum(fpafod.lt$area_ha); cnfdb.cumsum <- cumsum(cnfdb.lt$area_ha)
plot(log10(fpafod.lt$area_ha), log10(fpafod.cumsum), 
  main="Log10 Cumulative Area Burned (Lightning)", ylim=c(0,8e+7),
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", col="red", lwd=2, xlim=c(-4,6), xlab="log10(AREA(ha))", ylab="Cumulative Area(ha)")
points(log10(cnfdb.lt$area_ha), cnfdb.cumsum, 
  cex=0.5, pch=16, type="l", lwd=2, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD",as.integer(max(fpafod.cumsum)),"ha"),
  paste("CNFDB",as.integer(max(cnfdb.cumsum)),"ha")), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue"))

The greater frequency of large fires in the Canadian data set is evident in the above plot, which shows the proportion of the total area burned in each data set as a function of area. Above 10 ha, the shapes of the curves are roughtly similar, with the intermediate (10-1000 ha) large fires increasing more rapidly than in the Canadian data set.

Lastly, here are two “survivor curve” plots. The ordinate here is simply the rank of each fire (with 1 being the largest fire) divided by the total number of fires, which is thus the ratio of the number of fires greater in size than a particular area to the total number of fires. The curve gets it’s name from survival analysis, where it shows the number of individual that survive beyond time t divided by the total number of individuals, and it figures in fitting Pareto and tapered Pareto distributions. In an ideal world, where the beautiful physics of self-organizing complexity/fractality emerges as a fundimental law of everything, this should be a straight line.

Save the current workspace


4 More distribution plots and data binning

The next set of diagnostic plots require binning the data, and also “clipping”/“thresholding”/“truncating” the data, which will also come up later in fitting the Pareto and tapered Pareto distributions. The following code does this for the U.S. data.

First, define the bins and area threshold:

area.thresh <- -5.0
binbeg <- -4; binend <- 6; bw <- 0.2
breaks <- seq(binbeg, binend, by=bw); mid <- seq(binbeg+bw/2, binend-bw/2, by=bw)
head(breaks); tail(breaks)
## [1] -4.0 -3.8 -3.6 -3.4 -3.2 -3.0
## [1] 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0
head(mid); tail(mid)
## [1] -3.9 -3.7 -3.5 -3.3 -3.1 -2.9
## [1] 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.9

4.1 US data, subsample and binning

# get data with areas > area.thres
farea.all <- fpafod.lt$area_ha 
fname <- "FPA-FOD Lightning" 
farea <- farea.all[farea.all > area.thresh]
farea.max <- max(farea); farea.min <- min(farea); fnfires <- length(farea)
farea.min; farea.max; fnfires; log10(farea.min); log10(farea.max)
## [1] 4.04686e-05
## [1] 245622.1
## [1] 260311
## [1] -4.392882
## [1] 5.390268
# rank and survival curve values for clipped data
farea.index <-order(farea, na.last=FALSE)
## [1] 0.0000404686 0.0000404686 0.0000809372 0.0001857509 0.0004046860 0.0004046860
## [1] 195576.7 202320.7 209254.2 217570.1 225895.0 245622.1
farea <- farea[farea.index]
head(farea); tail(farea)
## [1] 0.0000404686 0.0000404686 0.0000809372 0.0001857509 0.0004046860 0.0004046860
## [1] 195576.7 202320.7 209254.2 217570.1 225895.0 245622.1
farea.rank <- seq(fnfires, 1)
head(cbind(farea, farea.rank)); tail(cbind(farea, farea.rank))
##             farea farea.rank
## [1,] 0.0000404686     260311
## [2,] 0.0000404686     260310
## [3,] 0.0000809372     260309
## [4,] 0.0001857509     260308
## [5,] 0.0004046860     260307
## [6,] 0.0004046860     260306
##              farea farea.rank
## [260306,] 195576.7          6
## [260307,] 202320.7          5
## [260308,] 209254.2          4
## [260309,] 217570.1          3
## [260310,] 225895.0          2
## [260311,] 245622.1          1
farea.surv <- (farea.rank)/fnfires
head(cbind(farea, farea.rank, farea.surv)); tail(cbind(farea, farea.rank, farea.surv))
##             farea farea.rank farea.surv
## [1,] 0.0000404686     260311  1.0000000
## [2,] 0.0000404686     260310  0.9999962
## [3,] 0.0000809372     260309  0.9999923
## [4,] 0.0001857509     260308  0.9999885
## [5,] 0.0004046860     260307  0.9999846
## [6,] 0.0004046860     260306  0.9999808
##              farea farea.rank   farea.surv
## [260306,] 195576.7          6 2.304935e-05
## [260307,] 202320.7          5 1.920779e-05
## [260308,] 209254.2          4 1.536624e-05
## [260309,] 217570.1          3 1.152468e-05
## [260310,] 225895.0          2 7.683118e-06
## [260311,] 245622.1          1 3.841559e-06
# bin the clipped data
#farea.hist <- hist(log10(farea), xlim=c(-4,6), breaks=100, plot=TRUE)
bin <- cut(log10(farea), breaks)
head(bin); tail(bin)
## [1] <NA>        <NA>        <NA>        (-3.8,-3.6] (-3.4,-3.2] (-3.4,-3.2]
## 50 Levels: (-4,-3.8] (-3.8,-3.6] (-3.6,-3.4] (-3.4,-3.2] (-3.2,-3] (-3,-2.8] (-2.8,-2.6] ... (5.8,6]
## [1] (5.2,5.4] (5.2,5.4] (5.2,5.4] (5.2,5.4] (5.2,5.4] (5.2,5.4]
## 50 Levels: (-4,-3.8] (-3.8,-3.6] (-3.6,-3.4] (-3.4,-3.2] (-3.2,-3] (-3,-2.8] (-2.8,-2.6] ... (5.8,6]
# binned variable values
fcount <- as.numeric(table(bin)); fcount
##  [1]      0      1      0      9      1      0      0      2   3728    274    168    429    181 118610  12917
## [16]  17077  14684   3482  18548   9261   7982  11015   4269   7242   3982   4757   4267   2647   2766   1986
## [31]   1828   1672   1190   1193    889    791    665    484    393    288    239    159    100     58     46
## [46]     18     10      0      0      0
farea.ave <- as.numeric(tapply(farea, bin, mean)); farea.ave
##  [1]           NA 1.857509e-04           NA 4.046860e-04 8.093720e-04           NA           NA 3.237488e-03
##  [9] 4.047837e-03 8.087251e-03 1.212854e-02 2.026260e-02 3.221837e-02 4.052798e-02 8.094972e-02 1.149207e-01
## [17] 2.001187e-01 3.138507e-01 4.493601e-01 8.067383e-01 1.209422e+00 1.974038e+00 3.140919e+00 4.891962e+00
## [25] 7.994302e+00 1.209535e+01 1.974774e+01 3.166950e+01 4.909544e+01 7.934079e+01 1.243812e+02 1.999103e+02
## [33] 3.138534e+02 4.965951e+02 7.998702e+02 1.254651e+03 2.003264e+03 3.158587e+03 4.987674e+03 8.044610e+03
## [41] 1.249274e+04 1.982989e+04 3.087900e+04 5.116925e+04 7.919328e+04 1.232216e+05 2.004002e+05           NA
## [49]           NA           NA
fbin <- na.omit(data.frame(cbind(mid, 10^mid, farea.ave, fcount, farea.ave*fcount)))
names(fbin) <- c("logArea","Area.ha","aveSize","fireNum","CharFireSize")
fbin$surv <- (fnfires-cumsum(fbin$fireNum)+1)/fnfires
min.fsurv <- min(fbin$surv); max.fsurv <- max(fbin$surv)
max.fsurv; min.fsurv
## [1] 1
## [1] 1.536624e-05
inv.rel.rank <- seq(0,1, by=1/(length(fbin$surv)-1))
fbin$surv <- (fbin$surv-min.fsurv)/(max.fsurv-min.fsurv) + inv.rel.rank*min.fsurv; fbin$fsurv
head(fbin); tail(fbin)
##    logArea      Area.ha      aveSize fireNum CharFireSize      surv
## 2     -3.7 0.0001995262 0.0001857509       1 1.857509e-04 1.0000000
## 4     -3.3 0.0005011872 0.0004046860       9 3.642174e-03 0.9999658
## 5     -3.1 0.0007943282 0.0008093720       1 8.093720e-04 0.9999623
## 8     -2.5 0.0031622777 0.0032374880       2 6.474976e-03 0.9999550
## 9     -2.3 0.0050118723 0.0040478370    3728 1.509034e+01 0.9856338
## 10    -2.1 0.0079432823 0.0080872509     274 2.215907e+00 0.9845816
##    logArea   Area.ha   aveSize fireNum CharFireSize         surv
## 42     4.3  19952.62  19829.89     159      3152953 9.047922e-04
## 43     4.5  31622.78  30879.00     100      3087900 5.209963e-04
## 44     4.7  50118.72  51169.25      58      2967817 2.985484e-04
## 45     4.9  79432.82  79193.28      46      3642891 1.221998e-04
## 46     5.1 125892.54 123221.62      18      2217989 5.341655e-05
## 47     5.3 199526.23 200400.16      10      2004002 1.536624e-05

4.2 Canadian data, subsample and binning

# get data with areas > area.threshold
carea.all <- cnfdb.lt$area_ha[cnfdb.lt$area_ha > 0] 
cname <- "CNFDB Lightning" # 
carea <- carea.all[carea.all > area.thresh]
carea.max <- max(carea); carea.min <- min(carea); cnfires <- length(carea)
carea.min; carea.max; cnfires; log10(carea.min); log10(carea.max)
## [1] 4e-04
## [1] 553680
## [1] 90887
## [1] -3.39794
## [1] 5.743259
# rank and survival curve values for clipped data
carea.index <-order(carea, na.last=FALSE)
## [1] 4e-04 1e-03 1e-03 1e-03 1e-03 1e-03
## [1] 428100.0 438000.0 453144.0 466420.3 501689.1 553680.0
carea <- carea[carea.index]
head(carea); tail(carea)
## [1] 4e-04 1e-03 1e-03 1e-03 1e-03 1e-03
## [1] 428100.0 438000.0 453144.0 466420.3 501689.1 553680.0
carea.rank <- seq(cnfires, 1)
head(cbind(carea, carea.rank)); tail(cbind(carea, carea.rank))
##      carea carea.rank
## [1,] 4e-04      90887
## [2,] 1e-03      90886
## [3,] 1e-03      90885
## [4,] 1e-03      90884
## [5,] 1e-03      90883
## [6,] 1e-03      90882
##             carea carea.rank
## [90882,] 428100.0          6
## [90883,] 438000.0          5
## [90884,] 453144.0          4
## [90885,] 466420.3          3
## [90886,] 501689.1          2
## [90887,] 553680.0          1
carea.surv <- (carea.rank)/cnfires
head(cbind(carea, carea.rank, carea.surv)); tail(cbind(carea, carea.rank, carea.surv))
##      carea carea.rank carea.surv
## [1,] 4e-04      90887   1.000000
## [2,] 1e-03      90886   0.999989
## [3,] 1e-03      90885   0.999978
## [4,] 1e-03      90884   0.999967
## [5,] 1e-03      90883   0.999956
## [6,] 1e-03      90882   0.999945
##             carea carea.rank   carea.surv
## [90882,] 428100.0          6 6.601604e-05
## [90883,] 438000.0          5 5.501337e-05
## [90884,] 453144.0          4 4.401069e-05
## [90885,] 466420.3          3 3.300802e-05
## [90886,] 501689.1          2 2.200535e-05
## [90887,] 553680.0          1 1.100267e-05
# bin the clipped data
#carea.hist <- hist(log10(carea), xlim=c(-4,6), breaks=100, plot=TRUE)
bin <- cut(log10(carea), breaks)
head(bin); tail(bin)
## [1] (-3.4,-3.2] (-3.2,-3]   (-3.2,-3]   (-3.2,-3]   (-3.2,-3]   (-3.2,-3]  
## 50 Levels: (-4,-3.8] (-3.8,-3.6] (-3.6,-3.4] (-3.4,-3.2] (-3.2,-3] (-3,-2.8] (-2.8,-2.6] ... (5.8,6]
## [1] (5.6,5.8] (5.6,5.8] (5.6,5.8] (5.6,5.8] (5.6,5.8] (5.6,5.8]
## 50 Levels: (-4,-3.8] (-3.8,-3.6] (-3.6,-3.4] (-3.4,-3.2] (-3.2,-3] (-3,-2.8] (-2.8,-2.6] ... (5.8,6]
# binned variable values
ccount <- as.numeric(table(bin)); ccount
##  [1]     0     0     0     1   137     0     7    10    25 13380    28   713   291   769 26546   212  7200
## [18]  3290  6653  5378  2303  3398  1934  2628  1886  1042  1287   969  1143  1085   771   893   804   906
## [35]   836   709   748   618   556   522   420   288   197   143    76    57    17     5     6     0
carea.ave <- as.numeric(tapply(carea, bin, mean)); carea.ave
##  [1]           NA           NA           NA 4.000000e-04 1.000000e-03           NA 2.000000e-03 3.000000e-03
##  [9] 5.160000e-03 9.459043e-03 1.367857e-02 2.004067e-02 3.010309e-02 4.877503e-02 9.984103e-02 1.405519e-01
## [17] 2.014361e-01 3.005465e-01 4.853192e-01 9.236928e-01 1.393619e+00 2.075559e+00 3.128392e+00 4.850731e+00
## [25] 8.600337e+00 1.323903e+01 2.069925e+01 3.173713e+01 4.963518e+01 8.388658e+01 1.293604e+02 2.044208e+02
## [33] 3.185556e+02 5.028512e+02 8.076753e+02 1.285331e+03 2.022932e+03 3.168852e+03 4.989494e+03 8.069331e+03
## [41] 1.255250e+04 1.977460e+04 3.145060e+04 4.941208e+04 8.048821e+04 1.260371e+05 1.959858e+05 3.077275e+05
## [49] 4.735056e+05           NA
cbin <- na.omit(data.frame(cbind(mid, 10^mid, carea.ave, ccount, carea.ave*ccount)))
names(cbin) <- c("logArea","Area.ha","aveSize","fireNum","CharFireSize")
cbin$surv <- (cnfires-cumsum(cbin$fireNum)+1)/cnfires
min.csurv <- min(cbin$surv); max.csurv <- max(cbin$surv)
max.csurv; min.csurv
## [1] 1
## [1] 1.100267e-05
inv.rel.rank <- seq(0,1, by=1/(length(cbin$surv)-1))
cbin$surv <- (cbin$surv-min.csurv)/(max.csurv-min.csurv) + inv.rel.rank*min.csurv; cbin$csurv
head(cbin); tail(cbin)
##    logArea      Area.ha     aveSize fireNum CharFireSize      surv
## 4     -3.3 0.0005011872 0.000400000       1       0.0004 1.0000000
## 5     -3.1 0.0007943282 0.001000000     137       0.1370 0.9984929
## 7     -2.7 0.0019952623 0.002000000       7       0.0140 0.9984161
## 8     -2.5 0.0031622777 0.003000000      10       0.0300 0.9983063
## 9     -2.3 0.0050118723 0.005160000      25       0.1290 0.9980315
## 10    -2.1 0.0079432823 0.009459043   13380     126.5620 0.8508144
##    logArea   Area.ha   aveSize fireNum CharFireSize         surv
## 44     4.7  50118.72  49412.08     143      7065928 1.781202e-03
## 45     4.9  79432.82  80488.21      76      6117104 9.452400e-04
## 46     5.1 125892.54 126037.11      57      7184115 3.183307e-04
## 47     5.3 199526.23 195985.77      17      3331758 1.315333e-04
## 48     5.5 316227.77 307727.46       5      1538637 7.676938e-05
## 49     5.7 501187.23 473505.57       6      2841033 1.100267e-05

4.3 Plots of binned data

Impact of binning on the distributions (and the shape of the survival-function plot in particular).

plot(log10(farea), log10(farea.surv), type="l", pch=16, xlim=c(-4,6), ylim=c(-5,0), 
  cex=0.5, lwd=3, ylab="log10(S(x))", xlab="log10(Area(ha))", col="pink", main="Impact of Binning")
points(fbin$logArea, log10(fbin$surv), type="o", pch=16, cex=0.8, lwd=2, col="red")
points(log10(carea), log10(carea.surv), type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, lwd=3, col="lightblue")
points(cbin$logArea, log10(cbin$surv), type="o", pch=16, cex=0.8, lwd=2, col="blue")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FPA-FOD Binned","CNFDB","CNFDB Binned"), lwd=3, 

No impact on the overall shape of the distributions.

Below is the “characteristic fires-size” plot of Lehsten et al.

plot(cbin$logArea, cbin$CharFireSize, xlim=c(-4,6), type="h", col="blue", lwd=3, 
  main="Characteristic Fire Sizes")
points(fbin$logArea+.05, fbin$CharFireSize, xlim=c(-4,6), type="h", col="red", lwd=3)
legend("topleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","CNFDB"), lwd=3, col=c("red","blue"))

The overall appearance of this plot shound be like the normal distribution (if the data follow a power-law type of generating process). Both distributions are clearly truncated at the high end, and don’t look too symetric in the middle range of fire sizes.

The next plot is the Sachs et al. frequency-area plot, with least-squres “power-law” fits.

plot(fbin$logArea, log10(fbin$fireNum/fbin$Area.ha), xlim=c(-4,6), xlab="log10(Area(ha))",
  ylab="log10(fireNum/Area.ha)", ylim=c(-6,8), pch=16, col="red", main=paste(fname,"Frequency-Area Relationship"))
f.lm.power <- lm(log10(fbin$fireNum/fbin$Area.ha) ~ fbin$logArea)
f.lm.power2 <- lm(log10(fbin$fireNum/fbin$Area.ha)[log10(fbin$Area.ha) >=0] ~ fbin$logArea[log10(fbin$Area.ha) >=0])
abline(f.lm.power, col="pink", lwd=2); abline(f.lm.power2, col="red", lwd=2)
points(cbin$logArea, log10(cbin$fireNum/cbin$Area.ha), pch=16, col="blue")
c.lm.power <- lm(log10(cbin$fireNum/cbin$Area.ha) ~ cbin$logArea)
c.lm.power2 <- lm(log10(cbin$fireNum/cbin$Area.ha)[log10(cbin$Area.ha) >=0] ~ cbin$logArea[log10(cbin$Area.ha) >=0])
abline(c.lm.power, col="lightblue", lwd=2); abline(c.lm.power2, col="blue", lwd=2)
legend("bottomleft", legend=c(paste("FPA-FOD slope=",round(f.lm.power$coefficients[2], digits=4)), 
  paste("FPA-FOD > 1.0 ha, slope=",round(f.lm.power2$coefficients[2], digits=4)),
  paste("CNFDB slope=",round(c.lm.power$coefficients[2], digits=4)),
  paste("CNFDB > 1.0 ha, slope=",round(c.lm.power2$coefficients[2], digits=4))),
  lwd=2, col=c("pink","red","lightblue","blue"))

Lot’s going on here. First, the fits to the whole data sets (light curves), fit terribly. The fits to just the data greater than 1.0 ha look superficially better, but underestimate the “frequency density” for fires greater than 100 ha, and overestimate the largest fires. This is diagnostic of a poor fit by a power-law relationship.

5 Pareto and tapered-Pareto distributions

The following analyses are patterned after those in Schoenberg, et al. (2003, Environmetrics 14:585-592), in which a number of different distributions were fit to the Los Angeles County fire data. There the analysis involved fitting several distributions to the fire data, including the Pareto distribution, which follows directly from the idea that fires have a power-law distribution, and the tapered-Pareto distribution which also has a general physical explantion, but turns out to fit the data much better for large fires. The distributions can be fit by maximizing the log-likelihood of the distibutions, which didn’t seem to work well, or by (nonlinear) least squares applied to the relationship between the “survivor function” and the pdf of each distribution.

Fitting the distributions is highly dependent on good starting values, and so the first step was interatively trying a range of values for the parameters, a, the lower truncation point, which can be regarded as known (from consideration of the way in which the data were generated–a could be considered the size threshold at which the records become complete), beta, the shape parameter, and theta which can be regarded as an upper area threshold above which the frequency of large fires rapidly decreases.

The following code fits the Pareto and tapered-Pareto distributions (and plots the results. First, the U.S. data, assuming that a is equal to 1.0 ha.

Load the lightning-only data from the previous steps.

5.1 US Data

5.1.1 Rank and survival-curve data

Note that this overwrites previous data…

area.thresh = 1.0 # ha
fpafod.lt.area <- fpafod.lt$area_ha[fpafod.lt$area_ha > area.thresh]
fpafod.lt.name <- "Merged U.S. Lightning Data"
fpafod.lt.area.max <- max(fpafod.lt.area); fpafod.lt.area.min <- min(fpafod.lt.area)
fpafod.lt.nfires <- length(fpafod.lt.area)
cbind(fpafod.lt.area.max, fpafod.lt.area.min, fpafod.lt.nfires)
##      fpafod.lt.area.max fpafod.lt.area.min fpafod.lt.nfires
## [1,]           245622.1           1.003621            60936
fpafod.lt.area.index <- order(fpafod.lt.area, na.last=FALSE)
head(fpafod.lt.area.index); tail(fpafod.lt.area.index)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## [1] 60931 60932 60933 60934 60935 60936

Sort the area data, and get survival-curve ordinates.

fpafod.lt.area.sort <- fpafod.lt.area[fpafod.lt.area.index]
fpafod.lt.area.rank <- seq(fpafod.lt.nfires, 1)
fpafod.lt.area.surv <- fpafod.lt.area.rank/fpafod.lt.nfires
head(cbind(fpafod.lt.area.sort, fpafod.lt.area.rank, fpafod.lt.area.surv))
##      fpafod.lt.area.sort fpafod.lt.area.rank fpafod.lt.area.surv
## [1,]            1.003621               60936           1.0000000
## [2,]            1.003621               60935           0.9999836
## [3,]            1.003621               60934           0.9999672
## [4,]            1.007668               60933           0.9999508
## [5,]            1.011715               60932           0.9999344
## [6,]            1.011715               60931           0.9999179
tail(cbind(fpafod.lt.area.sort, fpafod.lt.area.rank, fpafod.lt.area.surv))
##          fpafod.lt.area.sort fpafod.lt.area.rank fpafod.lt.area.surv
## [60931,]            195576.7                   6        9.846396e-05
## [60932,]            202320.7                   5        8.205330e-05
## [60933,]            209254.2                   4        6.564264e-05
## [60934,]            217570.1                   3        4.923198e-05
## [60935,]            225895.0                   2        3.282132e-05
## [60936,]            245622.1                   1        1.641066e-05

5.1.2 Initial fits

Plot the observed survivor curve (in red) and that estimated by the Pareto and tapered-Pareto distributions, using guesses of the parameter values.

# Initital values of parameters
a0 <- area.thresh
beta0 <- 0.40  
theta0 <-  30000.0 
plot(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(fpafod.lt.area.surv), 
  type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, lwd=2, col="red", xlim=c(-1,6), ylim=c(-6,0),
  xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", main=paste(fpafod.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(0, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

fpafod.lt.fx.pareto <- 1.0 - (a0/fpafod.lt.area.sort)^beta0
head(fpafod.lt.fx.pareto); tail(fpafod.lt.fx.pareto)
## [1] 0.001444851 0.001444851 0.001444851 0.003050892 0.004647929 0.004647929
## [1] 0.9923533 0.9924563 0.9925573 0.9926724 0.9927817 0.9930194
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - fpafod.lt.fx.pareto), col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)

fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a0/fpafod.lt.area.sort)^beta0)*exp((a0-fpafod.lt.area.sort)/theta0)
head(fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] 0.001444971 0.001444971 0.001444971 0.003051147 0.004648318 0.004648318
## [1] 0.9999887 0.9999911 0.9999930 0.9999948 0.9999961 0.9999981
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto), type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, col="purple", lwd=2)  
legend("bottomleft", title="by hand", legend=c("Observed","Pareto","Tapered Parto",
  "slope = -0.5"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue","purple","gray"))

5.1.3 Optimization

# optim() estimation Pareto
SSE.Pareto <- function(p, data, surv){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10((p[2]/data)^p[1])
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p0 <- c(beta0, a0); p0
## [1] 0.4 1.0
#data=farea; surv=farea.surv
fit.Pareto <- optim(p0, SSE.Pareto, data=fpafod.lt.area.sort, surv=fpafod.lt.area.surv )
beta1 <- fit.Pareto$par[1]; a1 <- fit.Pareto$par[2]; sse1 <- fit.Pareto$value
beta1; a1; sse1
## [1] 0.4519132
## [1] 1.305437
## [1] 315.9868
# optim() estimation tapered Pareto
SSE.tapPareto <- function(p, data, surv){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10(((p[3]/data)^p[1])*exp((p[3]-data)/p[2]))
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p2 <- c(beta0, theta0, a0); p2
## [1] 4e-01 3e+04 1e+00
fit.tapPareto1 <- optim(p2, SSE.tapPareto, data=fpafod.lt.area.sort, surv=fpafod.lt.area.surv)
beta2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[1]; theta2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[2]
a2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[3]; sse2 <- fit.tapPareto1$value
beta2; theta2; a2; sse2
## [1] 0.4274505
## [1] 31143.76
## [1] 1.194998
## [1] 85.04488
# optim() estimation tapered Pareto -- a fixed
SSE.tapPareto2 <- function(p, data, surv, a){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10( ((a/data)^p[1])*exp((a-data)/p[2]) )
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p3 <- c(beta0, theta0); p3; a <- a0
## [1] 4e-01 3e+04
fit.tapPareto2 <- optim(p3, SSE.tapPareto2, data=fpafod.lt.area.sort, a=a, surv=fpafod.lt.area.surv)
beta3 <- fit.tapPareto2$par[1]; theta3 <- fit.tapPareto2$par[2]
a3 <- a0; sse3 <- fit.tapPareto2$value
beta3; theta3; a3; sse3
## [1] 0.4091267
## [1] 29101.31
## [1] 1
## [1] 112.9372
# compare observed and fitted
plot(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(fpafod.lt.area.surv), type="n", ylim=c(-5,0), xlim=c(-1,6),
  xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", main=paste(fpafod.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(log10(fpafod.lt.area.min)/2, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

fpafod.lt.fx.pareto <- 1.0 - (a1/fpafod.lt.area.sort)^beta1
head(fpafod.lt.fx.pareto); tail(fpafod.lt.fx.pareto)
## [1] -0.1261653 -0.1261653 -0.1261653 -0.1241192 -0.1220849 -0.1220849
## [1] 0.9954176 0.9954872 0.9955554 0.9956330 0.9957065 0.9958659
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - fpafod.lt.fx.pareto), col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)

fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a2/fpafod.lt.area.sort)^beta2)*exp((a2-fpafod.lt.area.sort)/theta2)
head(fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] -0.07746264 -0.07746264 -0.07746264 -0.07561072 -0.07376939 -0.07376939
## [1] 0.9999889 0.9999912 0.9999931 0.9999948 0.9999961 0.9999980
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto), col="purple", type="l", lwd=2) 

fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a3/fpafod.lt.area.sort)^beta3)*exp((a3-fpafod.lt.area.sort)/theta3)
head(fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] 0.001477917 0.001477917 0.001477917 0.003120657 0.004754128 0.004754128
## [1] 0.9999917 0.9999935 0.9999950 0.9999963 0.9999973 0.9999987
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto), col="pink", type="l", lwd=2) 

points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(fpafod.lt.area.surv), pch=16, cex=0.5, col="red")

legend("bottomleft", title="optim() fit", legend=c("FPA-FOD","Pareto","Tapered Pareto",
  "Tapered Pareto (a fixed)", "slope = -0.5"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue","purple","pink","gray"))

print(cbind(beta0, theta0, a0, beta1, a1, sse1, beta2, theta2, a2, sse2, beta3, theta3, a3, sse3))
##      beta0 theta0 a0     beta1       a1     sse1     beta2   theta2       a2     sse2     beta3   theta3 a3
## [1,]   0.4  30000  1 0.4519132 1.305437 315.9868 0.4274505 31143.76 1.194998 85.04488 0.4091267 29101.31  1
##          sse3
## [1,] 112.9372
us.beta0 <- beta0; us.theta0 <- theta0; us.a0 <- a0; us.beta1 <- beta1; us.a1 <- a1; 
us.beta2 <- beta2; us.theta2 <- theta3; us.a2 <- a2;
us.beta3 <- beta3; us.theta3 <- theta3; us.a3 <- a3

5.1.4 QQ Plots

fpafod.lt.area.prob <- ppoints(fpafod.lt.area.sort)
qp <- qpareto(fpafod.lt.area.prob, beta1, a1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
head(qp); tail(qp)
## [1] 1.305460 1.305508 1.305555 1.305603 1.305650 1.305698
## [1]   1162807886   1812821817   3161342547   6656190698  20612744973 234377836430
qtap <- qtappareto(fpafod.lt.area.prob, beta2, theta2, a2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE, tol=1e-8)
head(qtap); tail(qtap)
## [1] 1.195021 1.195067 1.195112 1.195158 1.195204 1.195250
## [1] 135136.0 140835.6 148001.8 157640.9 172361.5 204312.5
##                        qp     qtap                      fpafod.lt.area.prob
## [1,] 0.001569861 1.305460 1.195021 0.1157637 0.07737540        8.205330e-06
## [2,] 0.001569861 1.305508 1.195067 0.1157795 0.07739208        2.461599e-05
## [3,] 0.001569861 1.305555 1.195112 0.1157953 0.07740875        4.102665e-05
## [4,] 0.003317527 1.305603 1.195158 0.1158110 0.07742542        5.743731e-05
## [5,] 0.005058189 1.305650 1.195204 0.1158268 0.07744209        7.384797e-05
## [6,] 0.005058189 1.305698 1.195250 0.1158426 0.07745877        9.025863e-05
##                             qp     qtap                    fpafod.lt.area.prob
## [60931,] 5.291317   1162807886 135136.0  9.065508 5.130771           0.9999097
## [60932,] 5.306040   1812821817 140835.6  9.258355 5.148713           0.9999262
## [60933,] 5.320674   3161342547 148001.8  9.499872 5.170267           0.9999426
## [60934,] 5.337599   6656190698 157640.9  9.823226 5.197669           0.9999590
## [60935,] 5.353907  20612744973 172361.5 10.314136 5.236440           0.9999754
## [60936,] 5.390268 234377836430 204312.5 11.369917 5.310295           0.9999918
plot(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(qtap), xlim=c(-1,6), ylim=c(-1,6), xlab="Observed log10(Area)", type="n", 
  ylab="log10(Theoretical Quantiles)", main=paste("QQPlot",fpafod.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(0.0, 1.0, col="gray", lwd=2)
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort),log10(qp), type="l", col="blue", lwd=2)
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort),log10(qtap), type="l", col="purple", lwd=2)
legend("topleft", legend=c("Pareto","Tapered Pareto"), lwd=2, col=c("blue","purple"))

5.2 Canadian data

5.2.1 Rank and survival-curve data

Note that this overwrites previous data…

area.thresh = 1.0 # ha
cnfdb.lt.area <- cnfdb.lt$area_ha[cnfdb.lt$area_ha > area.thresh]
cnfdb.lt.name <- "Canada Lightning Data"
cnfdb.lt.area.max <- max(cnfdb.lt.area); cnfdb.lt.area.min <- min(cnfdb.lt.area)
cnfdb.lt.nfires <- length(cnfdb.lt.area)
cbind(cnfdb.lt.area.max, cnfdb.lt.area.min, cnfdb.lt.nfires)
##      cnfdb.lt.area.max cnfdb.lt.area.min cnfdb.lt.nfires
## [1,]            553680              1.02           26247
cnfdb.lt.area.index <- order(cnfdb.lt.area, na.last=FALSE)
head(cnfdb.lt.area.index); tail(cnfdb.lt.area.index)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## [1] 26242 26243 26244 26245 26246 26247

Sort the area data, and get survival-curve ordinates.

cnfdb.lt.area.sort <- cnfdb.lt.area[cnfdb.lt.area.index]
cnfdb.lt.area.rank <- seq(cnfdb.lt.nfires, 1)
cnfdb.lt.area.surv <- cnfdb.lt.area.rank/cnfdb.lt.nfires
head(cbind(cnfdb.lt.area.sort, cnfdb.lt.area.rank, cnfdb.lt.area.surv))
##      cnfdb.lt.area.sort cnfdb.lt.area.rank cnfdb.lt.area.surv
## [1,]               1.02              26247          1.0000000
## [2,]               1.02              26246          0.9999619
## [3,]               1.04              26245          0.9999238
## [4,]               1.05              26244          0.9998857
## [5,]               1.05              26243          0.9998476
## [6,]               1.05              26242          0.9998095
tail(cbind(cnfdb.lt.area.sort, cnfdb.lt.area.rank, cnfdb.lt.area.surv))
##          cnfdb.lt.area.sort cnfdb.lt.area.rank cnfdb.lt.area.surv
## [26242,]           428100.0                  6       2.285976e-04
## [26243,]           438000.0                  5       1.904980e-04
## [26244,]           453144.0                  4       1.523984e-04
## [26245,]           466420.3                  3       1.142988e-04
## [26246,]           501689.1                  2       7.619918e-05
## [26247,]           553680.0                  1       3.809959e-05

5.2.2 Initial fits

Plot the observed survivor curve (in red) and that estimated by the Pareto and tapered-Pareto distributions, using guesses of the parameter values.

# intital values of parameters
a0 <- area.thresh
beta0 <- 0.4 
theta0 <-  30000.0 
plot(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(cnfdb.lt.area.surv), 
  type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, lwd=2, col="red", xlim=c(-1,6), ylim=c(-6,0),
  xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", main=paste(cnfdb.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(0, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto <- 1.0 - (a0/cnfdb.lt.area.sort)^beta0
head(cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto); tail(cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto)
## [1] 0.007889762 0.007889762 0.015565865 0.019326860 0.019326860 0.019326860
## [1] 0.9944104 0.9944613 0.9945361 0.9945988 0.9947540 0.9949569
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto), col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)

cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a0/cnfdb.lt.area.sort)^beta0)*exp((a0-cnfdb.lt.area.sort)/theta0)
head(cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] 0.007890423 0.007890423 0.015567178 0.019328495 0.019328495 0.019328495
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto), type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, col="purple", lwd=2)  
legend("bottomleft", title="by hand", legend=c("Observed","Pareto","Tapered Parto",
  "slope = -0.5"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue","purple","gray"))

5.2.3 Optimization

# optim() estimation Pareto
SSE.Pareto <- function(p, data, surv){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10((p[2]/data)^p[1])
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p0 <- c(beta0, a0); p0
## [1] 0.4 1.0
#data=farea; surv=farea.surv
fit.Pareto <- optim(p0, SSE.Pareto, data=cnfdb.lt.area.sort, surv=cnfdb.lt.area.surv )
beta1 <- fit.Pareto$par[1]; a1 <- fit.Pareto$par[2]; sse1 <- fit.Pareto$value
beta1; a1; sse1
## [1] 0.3302408
## [1] 1.771774
## [1] 453.2954
# optim() estimation tapered Pareto
SSE.tapPareto <- function(p, data, surv){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10(((p[3]/data)^p[1])*exp((p[3]-data)/p[2]))
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p2 <- c(beta0, theta0, a0); p2
## [1] 4e-01 3e+04 1e+00
fit.tapPareto1 <- optim(p2, SSE.tapPareto, data=cnfdb.lt.area.sort, surv=cnfdb.lt.area.surv)
beta2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[1]; theta2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[2]
a2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[3]; sse2 <- fit.tapPareto1$value
beta2; theta2; a2; sse2
## [1] 0.2922834
## [1] 47551.18
## [1] 1.404053
## [1] 129.922
# optim() estimation tapered Pareto -- a fixed
SSE.tapPareto2 <- function(p, data, surv, a){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10( ((a/data)^p[1])*exp((a-data)/p[2]) )
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p3 <- c(beta0, theta0); p3; a <- a0
## [1] 4e-01 3e+04
fit.tapPareto2 <- optim(p3, SSE.tapPareto2, data=cnfdb.lt.area.sort, a=a, surv=cnfdb.lt.area.surv)
beta3 <- fit.tapPareto2$par[1]; theta3 <- fit.tapPareto2$par[2]
a3 <- a0; sse3 <- fit.tapPareto2$value
beta3; theta3; a3; sse3
## [1] 0.2743276
## [1] 45259.99
## [1] 1
## [1] 148.0754
# compare observed and fitted
plot(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(cnfdb.lt.area.surv), type="n", ylim=c(-5,0), xlim=c(-1,6),
  xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", main=paste(cnfdb.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.min)/2, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto <- 1.0 - (a1/cnfdb.lt.area.sort)^beta1
head(cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto); tail(cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto)
## [1] -0.2000364 -0.2000364 -0.1923656 -0.1886034 -0.1886034 -0.1886034
## [1] 0.9833172 0.9834427 0.9836275 0.9837829 0.9841686 0.9846759
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - cnfdb.lt.fx.pareto), col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)

cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a2/cnfdb.lt.area.sort)^beta2)*exp((a2-cnfdb.lt.area.sort)/theta2)
head(cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] -0.09791203 -0.09791203 -0.09169793 -0.08864849 -0.08864849 -0.08864849
## [1] 0.9999969 0.9999975 0.9999982 0.9999987 0.9999994 0.9999998
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto), col="purple", type="l", lwd=2) 

cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a3/cnfdb.lt.area.sort)^beta3)*exp((a3-cnfdb.lt.area.sort)/theta3)
head(cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] 0.005418117 0.005418117 0.010702523 0.013296404 0.013296404 0.013296404
## [1] 0.9999978 0.9999982 0.9999987 0.9999991 0.9999996 0.9999999
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto), col="pink", type="l", lwd=2) 

points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(cnfdb.lt.area.surv), pch=16, cex=0.5, col="red")

legend("bottomleft", title="optim() fit", legend=c("FPA-FOD","Pareto","Tapered Pareto",
  "Tapered Pareto (a fixed)", "slope = -0.5"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue","purple","pink","gray"))

print(cbind(beta0, theta0, a0, beta1, a1, sse1, beta2, theta2, a2, sse2, beta3, theta3, a3, sse3))
##      beta0 theta0 a0     beta1       a1     sse1     beta2   theta2       a2    sse2     beta3   theta3 a3
## [1,]   0.4  30000  1 0.3302408 1.771774 453.2954 0.2922834 47551.18 1.404053 129.922 0.2743276 45259.99  1
##          sse3
## [1,] 148.0754
can.beta0 <- beta0; can.theta0 <- theta0; can.a0 <- a0; can.beta1 <- beta1; can.a1 <- a1; 
can.beta2 <- beta2; can.theta2 <- theta3; can.a2 <- a2;
can.beta3 <- beta3; can.theta3 <- theta3; can.a3 <- a3

5.2.4 QQ Plots

cnfdb.lt.area.prob <- ppoints(cnfdb.lt.area.sort)
qp <- qpareto(cnfdb.lt.area.prob, beta1, a1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
head(qp); tail(qp)
## [1] 1.771876 1.772080 1.772285 1.772489 1.772694 1.772898
## [1] 2.442909e+11 4.485452e+11 9.600766e+11 2.659471e+12 1.249033e+13 3.478098e+14
qtap <- qtappareto(cnfdb.lt.area.prob, beta2, theta2, a2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE, tol=1e-8)
head(qtap); tail(qtap)
## [1] 1.404144 1.404327 1.404510 1.404693 1.404877 1.405060
## [1] 235582.2 244602.1 255923.6 271121.4 294272.9 344329.9
##                        qp     qtap                     cnfdb.lt.area.prob
## [1,] 0.008600172 1.771876 1.404144 0.2484333 0.1474117       1.904980e-05
## [2,] 0.008600172 1.772080 1.404327 0.2484834 0.1474683       5.714939e-05
## [3,] 0.017033339 1.772285 1.404510 0.2485335 0.1475249       9.524898e-05
## [4,] 0.021189299 1.772489 1.404693 0.2485836 0.1475815       1.333486e-04
## [5,] 0.021189299 1.772694 1.404877 0.2486337 0.1476382       1.714482e-04
## [6,] 0.021189299 1.772898 1.405060 0.2486838 0.1476948       2.095478e-04
##                             qp     qtap                   cnfdb.lt.area.prob
## [26242,] 5.631545 2.442909e+11 235582.2 11.38791 5.372142          0.9997905
## [26243,] 5.641474 4.485452e+11 244602.1 11.65181 5.388460          0.9998286
## [26244,] 5.656236 9.600766e+11 255923.6 11.98231 5.408110          0.9998667
## [26245,] 5.668777 2.659471e+12 271121.4 12.42480 5.433164          0.9999048
## [26246,] 5.700435 1.249033e+13 294272.9 13.09657 5.468750          0.9999429
## [26247,] 5.743259 3.478098e+14 344329.9 14.54134 5.536975          0.9999810
plot(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(qtap), xlim=c(-1,6), ylim=c(-1,6), xlab="Observed log10(Area)", type="n", 
  ylab="log10(Theoretical Quantiles)", main=paste("QQPlot",cnfdb.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(0.0, 1.0, col="gray", lwd=2)
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort),log10(qp), type="l", col="blue", lwd=2)
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort),log10(qtap), type="l", col="purple", lwd=2)
legend("topleft", legend=c("Pareto","Tapered Pareto"), lwd=2, col=c("blue","purple"))

5.3 US & Canada Data

Get lightning data.

uscan.lt <- uscan[uscan$cause1 == 1,]

5.3.1 Rank and survival-curve data

Note that this overwrites previous data…

area.thresh = 1.0 # ha
uscan.lt.area <- uscan.lt$area_ha[uscan.lt$area_ha > area.thresh]
uscan.lt.name <- "U.S. & Canada Lightning Data"
uscan.lt.area.max <- max(uscan.lt.area); uscan.lt.area.min <- min(uscan.lt.area)
uscan.lt.nfires <- length(uscan.lt.area)
cbind(uscan.lt.area.max, uscan.lt.area.min, uscan.lt.nfires)
##      uscan.lt.area.max uscan.lt.area.min uscan.lt.nfires
## [1,]            553680          1.003621           96700
uscan.lt.area.index <- order(uscan.lt.area, na.last=FALSE)
head(uscan.lt.area.index); tail(uscan.lt.area.index)
## [1] 48250 50339 60490 31112     1    26
## [1] 82945 82955 87554 96275 96254 82831

Sort the area data, and get survival-curve ordinates.

uscan.lt.area.sort <- uscan.lt.area[uscan.lt.area.index]
uscan.lt.area.rank <- seq(uscan.lt.nfires, 1)
uscan.lt.area.surv <- uscan.lt.area.rank/uscan.lt.nfires
head(cbind(uscan.lt.area.sort, uscan.lt.area.rank, uscan.lt.area.surv))
##      uscan.lt.area.sort uscan.lt.area.rank uscan.lt.area.surv
## [1,]           1.003621              96700          1.0000000
## [2,]           1.003621              96699          0.9999897
## [3,]           1.003621              96698          0.9999793
## [4,]           1.007668              96697          0.9999690
## [5,]           1.011715              96696          0.9999586
## [6,]           1.011715              96695          0.9999483
tail(cbind(uscan.lt.area.sort, uscan.lt.area.rank, uscan.lt.area.surv))
##          uscan.lt.area.sort uscan.lt.area.rank uscan.lt.area.surv
## [96695,]           428100.0                  6       6.204757e-05
## [96696,]           438000.0                  5       5.170631e-05
## [96697,]           453144.0                  4       4.136505e-05
## [96698,]           466420.3                  3       3.102378e-05
## [96699,]           501689.1                  2       2.068252e-05
## [96700,]           553680.0                  1       1.034126e-05

5.3.2 Initial fits

Plot the observed survivor curve (in red) and that estimated by the Pareto and tapered-Pareto distributions, using guesses of the parameter values.

# Initital values of parameters
a0 <- area.thresh
beta0 <- 0.40  
theta0 <-  30000.0 
plot(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(uscan.lt.area.surv), 
  type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, lwd=2, col="red", xlim=c(-1,6), ylim=c(-6,0),
  xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", main=paste(uscan.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(0, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

uscan.lt.fx.pareto <- 1.0 - (a0/uscan.lt.area.sort)^beta0
head(uscan.lt.fx.pareto); tail(uscan.lt.fx.pareto)
## [1] 0.001444851 0.001444851 0.001444851 0.003050892 0.004647929 0.004647929
## [1] 0.9944104 0.9944613 0.9945361 0.9945988 0.9947540 0.9949569
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - uscan.lt.fx.pareto), col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)

uscan.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a0/uscan.lt.area.sort)^beta0)*exp((a0-uscan.lt.area.sort)/theta0)
head(uscan.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(uscan.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] 0.001444971 0.001444971 0.001444971 0.003051147 0.004648318 0.004648318
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - uscan.lt.fx.tappareto), type="l", pch=16, cex=0.5, col="purple", lwd=2)  
legend("bottomleft", title="by hand", legend=c("Observed","Pareto","Tapered Parto",
  "slope = -0.5"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue","purple","gray"))

5.3.3 Optimization

# optim() estimation Pareto
SSE.Pareto <- function(p, data, surv){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10((p[2]/data)^p[1])
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p0 <- c(beta0, a0); p0
## [1] 0.4 1.0
#data=farea; surv=farea.surv
fit.Pareto <- optim(p0, SSE.Pareto, data=uscan.lt.area.sort, surv=uscan.lt.area.surv )
beta1 <- fit.Pareto$par[1]; a1 <- fit.Pareto$par[2]; sse1 <- fit.Pareto$value
beta1; a1; sse1
## [1] 0.3981119
## [1] 1.346777
## [1] 746.8457
# optim() estimation tapered Pareto
SSE.tapPareto <- function(p, data, surv){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10(((p[3]/data)^p[1])*exp((p[3]-data)/p[2]))
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p2 <- c(beta0, theta0, a0); p2
## [1] 4e-01 3e+04 1e+00
fit.tapPareto1 <- optim(p2, SSE.tapPareto, data=uscan.lt.area.sort, surv=uscan.lt.area.surv)
beta2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[1]; theta2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[2]
a2 <- fit.tapPareto1$par[3]; sse2 <- fit.tapPareto1$value
beta2; theta2; a2; sse2
## [1] 0.370572
## [1] 43140.94
## [1] 1.189148
## [1] 191.6076
# optim() estimation tapered Pareto -- a fixed
SSE.tapPareto2 <- function(p, data, surv, a){
  y <- log10(surv)
  yhat <- log10( ((a/data)^p[1])*exp((a-data)/p[2]) )
  x <- sum((y-yhat)^2.0)
p3 <- c(beta0, theta0); p3; a <- a0
## [1] 4e-01 3e+04
fit.tapPareto2 <- optim(p3, SSE.tapPareto2, data=uscan.lt.area.sort, a=a, surv=uscan.lt.area.surv)
beta3 <- fit.tapPareto2$par[1]; theta3 <- fit.tapPareto2$par[2]
a3 <- a0; sse3 <- fit.tapPareto2$value
beta3; theta3; a3; sse3
## [1] 0.3568085
## [1] 41129.24
## [1] 1
## [1] 222.7387
# compare observed and fitted
plot(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(uscan.lt.area.surv), type="n", ylim=c(-5,0), xlim=c(-1,6),
  xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", main=paste(uscan.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(log10(uscan.lt.area.min)/2, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

uscan.lt.fx.pareto <- 1.0 - (a1/uscan.lt.area.sort)^beta1
head(uscan.lt.fx.pareto); tail(uscan.lt.fx.pareto)
## [1] -0.1242144 -0.1242144 -0.1242144 -0.1224148 -0.1206252 -0.1206252
## [1] 0.9935511 0.9936095 0.9936954 0.9937674 0.9939457 0.9941788
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - uscan.lt.fx.pareto), col="blue", type="l", lwd=2)

uscan.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a2/uscan.lt.area.sort)^beta2)*exp((a2-uscan.lt.area.sort)/theta2)
head(uscan.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(uscan.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] -0.06487936 -0.06487936 -0.06487936 -0.06329245 -0.06171426 -0.06171426
## [1] 0.9999996 0.9999997 0.9999998 0.9999998 0.9999999 1.0000000
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - uscan.lt.fx.tappareto), col="purple", type="l", lwd=2) 

uscan.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((a3/uscan.lt.area.sort)^beta3)*exp((a3-uscan.lt.area.sort)/theta3)
head(uscan.lt.fx.tappareto); tail(uscan.lt.fx.tappareto)
## [1] 0.001289026 0.001289026 0.001289026 0.002722096 0.004147378 0.004147378
## [1] 0.9999997 0.9999998 0.9999998 0.9999999 1.0000000 1.0000000
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - uscan.lt.fx.tappareto), col="pink", type="l", lwd=2) 

points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(uscan.lt.area.surv), pch=16, cex=0.5, col="red")

legend("bottomleft", title="optim() fit", legend=c("FPA-FOD","Pareto","Tapered Pareto",
  "Tapered Pareto (a fixed)", "slope = -0.5"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue","purple","pink","gray"))

print(cbind(beta0, theta0, a0, beta1, a1, sse1, beta2, theta2, a2, sse2, beta3, theta3, a3, sse3))
##      beta0 theta0 a0     beta1       a1     sse1    beta2   theta2       a2     sse2     beta3   theta3 a3
## [1,]   0.4  30000  1 0.3981119 1.346777 746.8457 0.370572 43140.94 1.189148 191.6076 0.3568085 41129.24  1
##          sse3
## [1,] 222.7387
uscan.beta0 <- beta0; uscan.theta0 <- theta0; uscan.a0 <- a0; uscan.beta1 <- beta1; uscan.a1 <- a1; 
uscan.beta2 <- beta2; uscan.theta2 <- theta3; uscan.a2 <- a2;
uscan.beta3 <- beta3; uscan.theta3 <- theta3; uscan.a3 <- a3

5.3.4 QQ Plots

uscan.lt.area.prob <- ppoints(uscan.lt.area.sort)
qp <- qpareto(uscan.lt.area.prob, beta1, a1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
head(qp); tail(qp)
## [1] 1.346794 1.346829 1.346864 1.346899 1.346934 1.346969
## [1] 6.198498e+10 1.026113e+11 1.929081e+11 4.491621e+11 1.620523e+12 2.559266e+13
qtap <- qtappareto(uscan.lt.area.prob, beta2, theta2, a2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE, tol=1e-8)
head(qtap); tail(qtap)
## [1] 1.189164 1.189198 1.189231 1.189264 1.189297 1.189330
## [1] 227276.8 235374.2 245540.2 259190.9 279994.2 325006.1
##                        qp     qtap                      uscan.lt.area.prob
## [1,] 0.001569861 1.346794 1.189164 0.1293013 0.07524187       5.170631e-06
## [2,] 0.001569861 1.346829 1.189198 0.1293125 0.07525399       1.551189e-05
## [3,] 0.001569861 1.346864 1.189231 0.1293238 0.07526611       2.585315e-05
## [4,] 0.003317527 1.346899 1.189264 0.1293351 0.07527823       3.619442e-05
## [5,] 0.005058189 1.346934 1.189297 0.1293464 0.07529035       4.653568e-05
## [6,] 0.005058189 1.346969 1.189330 0.1293577 0.07530247       5.687694e-05
##                             qp     qtap                   uscan.lt.area.prob
## [96695,] 5.631545 6.198498e+10 227276.8 10.79229 5.356555          0.9999431
## [96696,] 5.641474 1.026113e+11 235374.2 11.01120 5.371759          0.9999535
## [96697,] 5.656236 1.929081e+11 245540.2 11.28535 5.390123          0.9999638
## [96698,] 5.668777 4.491621e+11 259190.9 11.65240 5.413620          0.9999741
## [96699,] 5.700435 1.620523e+12 279994.2 12.20966 5.447149          0.9999845
## [96700,] 5.743259 2.559266e+13 325006.1 13.40812 5.511892          0.9999948
plot(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(qtap), xlim=c(-1,6), ylim=c(-1,6), xlab="Observed log10(Area)", type="n", 
  ylab="log10(Theoretical Quantiles)", main=paste("QQPlot",uscan.lt.name,"Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(0.0, 1.0, col="gray", lwd=2)
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort),log10(qp), type="l", col="blue", lwd=2)
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort),log10(qtap), type="l", col="purple", lwd=2)
legend("topleft", legend=c("Pareto","Tapered Pareto"), lwd=2, col=c("blue","purple"))

5.4 Compare Tapered-Pareto Fits

# compare observed and fitted
plot(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(fpafod.lt.area.surv), xlab="log10(Area)", ylab="log10(S(x)", type="n", 
  xlim=c(-1,6), main=paste("Lightning Fires >",as.character(a0),"ha"))
abline(log10(fpafod.lt.area.min)/2, -0.5, col="gray", lwd=2)

points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(fpafod.lt.area.surv), col="red", pch=16, cex=0.7 )
fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((us.a2/fpafod.lt.area.sort)^us.beta2)*exp((us.a2-fpafod.lt.area.sort)/
points(log10(fpafod.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - fpafod.lt.fx.tappareto), col="pink", type="l", lwd=2) 

points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(cnfdb.lt.area.surv), col="blue", pch=16, cex=0.7)
cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((can.a2/cnfdb.lt.area.sort)^can.beta2)*exp((can.a2-cnfdb.lt.area.sort)/
points(log10(cnfdb.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - cnfdb.lt.fx.tappareto), col="lightblue", type="l", lwd=2) 

points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(uscan.lt.area.surv), col="purple", pch=16, cex=0.7)
uscan.lt.fx.tappareto <- 1.0 - ((uscan.a2/uscan.lt.area.sort)^uscan.beta2)*exp((uscan.a2-uscan.lt.area.sort)/
points(log10(uscan.lt.area.sort), log10(1.0 - uscan.lt.fx.tappareto), col="plum", type="l", lwd=2) 
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("US","Canada","US & Canada"), lwd=2, col=c("red","blue", "purple"))