1 Introduction

The Federal Wildland Fire Occurrence Data – http://wildfire.cr.usgs.gov/firehistory/data.html is perhaps the longest U.S. fire-start data set, but has a significant probem that precludes its use here.

The data set has been recently updated (April 2016) to include data from 2015, but the start-day issue identified previously is still present, as will be demonstrated here.

The data come from the file fh_all_1980_2015.dbf (04/22/2016 14:11, downloaded on 30 May 2016).

1.1 Overview

The main unusual feature of this data set is the underrepresentation of fire starts in the first nine days of each month for the first nine months of the year, as will become apparent in this analysis. The data are read here directly from the .dbf file using the read.dbf() function (to minimize the chance that “external” (to R) manipulations of the data might play a role in the unusual features that will emerge from this data set.)

Load the neccessary libaries:


Read the data:

filename <- "e:/Projects/fire/DailyFireStarts/data/FWFOD/source/fh_all_1980_2015.dbf"
fwfod <- read.dbf(filename, as.is=TRUE)

List the variables in the data set, print the first and last records, and summarize the data.

str(fwfod, strict.width="cut") # Variables in the data set
## 'data.frame':    726888 obs. of  31 variables:
##  $ ORGANIZATI: chr  "BIA" "BIA" "BIA" "BIA" ...
##  $ UNIT      : chr  "EOR" "WER" "PAR" "PAR" ...
##  $ SUBUNIT   : chr  "OKMIA" "AZPPA" "CASCA" "CASCA" ...
##  $ SUBUNIT2  : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ FIREID    : chr  "387256" "409416" "466072" "466609" ...
##  $ FIRENAME  : chr  "BLAKEBURN" "FALSE08" "CAMPO RES" "FLS AL #18" ...
##  $ FIRENUMBER: chr  "9" "28" "3" "99" ...
##  $ FIRECODE  : chr  NA NA NA "BF4X" ...
##  $ CAUSE     : chr  "Human" NA NA NA ...
##  $ SPECCAUSE : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ STATCAUSE : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ SIZECLASS : chr  "C" "NR" "NR" "NR" ...
##  $ SIZECLASSN: num  3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ PROTECTION: int  8 1 1 6 1 8 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ FIREPROTTY: int  48 51 51 56 51 48 48 48 48 48 ...
##  $ FIRETYPE  : int  4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 ...
##  $ YEAR_     : chr  "2000" "1994" "2000" "2004" ...
##  $ STARTDATED: Date, format: "2000-04-08" NA NA ...
##  $ CONTRDATED: Date, format: NA NA NA ...
##  $ OUTDATED  : Date, format: "2000-04-09" NA NA ...
##  $ GACC      : chr  "SACC" "SWCC" "OSCC" "OSCC" ...
##  $ DISPATCH  : chr  "Arkansas-Oklahoma Interagency Coordination Center" "Southeast Zone" "Riverside" ""..
##  $ GACCN     : num  109 110 108 108 108 104 106 106 106 106 ...
##  $ STATE     : chr  "Oklahoma" "Arizona" "California" "California" ...
##  $ STATE_FIPS: chr  "40" "04" "06" "06" ...
##  $ FIPS      : num  40 4 6 6 6 6 53 53 53 53 ...
##  $ DLATITUDE : num  34.8 32 33.5 33.6 32.9 ...
##  $ DLONGITUDE: num  -94.7 -111.6 -116.4 -116.3 -116.3 ...
##  $ TOTALACRES: num  93 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ TRPGENCAUS: int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ TRPSPECCAU: int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  - attr(*, "data_types")= chr  "C" "C" "C" "C" ...
head(fwfod); tail(fwfod)
## 1        BIA  EOR   OKMIA     <NA> 387256          BLAKEBURN          9     <NA> Human         0
## 2        BIA  WER   AZPPA     <NA> 409416            FALSE08         28     <NA>  <NA>         0
## 3        BIA  PAR   CASCA     <NA> 466072          CAMPO RES          3     <NA>  <NA>         0
## 4        BIA  PAR   CASCA     <NA> 466609         FLS AL #18         99     BF4X  <NA>         0
## 5        BIA  PAR   CASCA     <NA> 615885 False Alarm # 0709         98     DUX1 Human         0
## 6        BIA  NWR   WAQNT     <NA> 443796             LONG V         28     <NA> Human         0
## 1         0         C          3          8         48        4  2000 2000-04-08       <NA> 2000-04-09
## 2         0        NR          0          1         51        5  1994       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
## 3         0        NR          0          1         51        5  2000       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
## 4         0        NR          0          6         56        5  2004       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
## 5         0        NR          0          1         51        5  2007       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
## 6         0         B          2          8         48        4  1996       <NA>       <NA> 1996-11-13
##   GACC                                          DISPATCH GACCN      STATE STATE_FIPS FIPS DLATITUDE
## 1 SACC Arkansas-Oklahoma Interagency Coordination Center   109   Oklahoma         40   40   34.8295
## 2 SWCC                                    Southeast Zone   110    Arizona         04    4   32.0001
## 3 OSCC                                         Riverside   108 California         06    6   33.5351
## 4 OSCC                                         Riverside   108 California         06    6   33.5834
## 5 OSCC                                       Monte Vista   108 California         06    6   32.9001
## 6 ONCC                                     Howard Forest   104 California         06    6   39.8524
## 1   -94.7188         93          0          0
## 2  -111.6007          0          0          0
## 3  -116.3892          0          0          0
## 4  -116.3175          0          0          0
## 5  -116.2673          0          0          0
## 6  -123.7303          1          0          0
## 726883        BLM   ID   IDFRD Four Rivers Field Office 686531      RA 12 GEM CO          0     JZ3L
## 726884        NPS AKRO   AKNOP Noatak National Preserve 688016 NAKOLIKUROK FA 23        804     JZ3L
## 726885        BLM   AK   AKAFS      Alaska Fire Service 682037    False Alarm 16          0     JT1C
## 726886        BLM   AK   AKAFS      Alaska Fire Service 683845       Wulik River          0     JZ3E
## 726887        BLM   AK   AKAFS      Alaska Fire Service 682612    False Alarm 22          0     JZ2Y
## 726888        BLM   AK   AKAFS      Alaska Fire Service 678764    False Alarm 04          0     JQ1M
## 726883 Unknown         0         0        NR          0          7         37        3  2015 2015-09-27
## 726884 Unknown         0         0        NR          0          2         52        5  2015 2015-07-24
## 726885 Unknown         0         0        NR          0          6         56        5  2015 2015-06-22
## 726886 Natural         0         0         F          6          6         16        1  2015 2015-07-24
## 726887 Unknown         0         0        NR          0          1         51        5  2015 2015-07-24
## 726888 Unknown         0         0        NR          0          6         56        5  2015 2015-05-23
## 726883       <NA>       <NA> AKCC      Galena Fire Management Zone   101 Alaska         02    2
## 726884       <NA>       <NA> AKCC      Galena Fire Management Zone   101 Alaska         02    2
## 726885       <NA>       <NA> AKCC Upper Yukon Fire Management Zone   101 Alaska         02    2
## 726886 2015-08-23 2015-08-23 AKCC      Galena Fire Management Zone   101 Alaska         02    2
## 726887       <NA>       <NA> AKCC      Galena Fire Management Zone   101 Alaska         02    2
## 726888       <NA>       <NA> AKCC Upper Yukon Fire Management Zone   101 Alaska         02    2
## 726883  67.75000  -160.4500        0.0          0          0
## 726884  67.75000  -160.4500        0.0          0          0
## 726885  67.90000  -144.8000        0.0          0          0
## 726886  67.91580  -163.6866     1744.7          1          0
## 726887  68.16667  -164.4500        0.0          0          0
## 726888  69.03333  -148.2500        0.0          0          0
##   ORGANIZATI            UNIT             SUBUNIT            SUBUNIT2            FIREID         
##  Length:726888      Length:726888      Length:726888      Length:726888      Length:726888     
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##    FIRENAME          FIRENUMBER          FIRECODE            CAUSE             SPECCAUSE     
##  Length:726888      Length:726888      Length:726888      Length:726888      Min.   : 0.000  
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.: 0.000  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median : 0.000  
##                                                                              Mean   : 5.197  
##                                                                              3rd Qu.: 5.000  
##                                                                              Max.   :32.000  
##  Min.   :0.000   Length:726888      Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.00   Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:0.000   Class :character   1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:0.00   1st Qu.: 0.000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
##  Median :0.000   Mode  :character   Median :1.000   Median :1.00   Median :11.000   Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :1.488                      Mean   :1.695   Mean   :1.43   Mean   : 9.184   Mean   :0.7755  
##  3rd Qu.:1.000                      3rd Qu.:2.000   3rd Qu.:1.00   3rd Qu.:11.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :9.000                      Max.   :7.000   Max.   :9.00   Max.   :67.000   Max.   :6.0000  
##     YEAR_             STARTDATED           CONTRDATED            OUTDATED              GACC          
##  Length:726888      Min.   :0213-08-11   Min.   :1980-01-01   Min.   :1980-01-01   Length:726888     
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:1991-08-06   1st Qu.:1991-07-22   1st Qu.:1992-08-01   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Median :1999-09-14   Median :1999-08-15   Median :2000-06-29   Mode  :character  
##                     Mean   :1999-04-21   Mean   :1999-02-04   Mean   :1999-12-15                     
##                     3rd Qu.:2006-08-24   3rd Qu.:2006-07-28   3rd Qu.:2007-01-14                     
##                     Max.   :2015-12-31   Max.   :2015-12-31   Max.   :2030-05-06                     
##                     NA's   :121137       NA's   :140884       NA's   :82468                          
##    DISPATCH             GACCN          STATE            STATE_FIPS             FIPS      
##  Length:726888      Min.   :  0.0   Length:726888      Length:726888      Min.   : 1.00  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:104.0   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.: 6.00  
##  Mode  :character   Median :106.0   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :28.00  
##                     Mean   :106.2                                         Mean   :24.72  
##                     3rd Qu.:109.0                                         3rd Qu.:41.00  
##                     Max.   :110.0                                         Max.   :78.00  
##  Min.   :17.94   Min.   :-178.8   Min.   :      0.0   Min.   :0.000   Min.   : 0.000  
##  1st Qu.:35.35   1st Qu.:-118.5   1st Qu.:      0.1   1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.: 0.000  
##  Median :39.73   Median :-112.0   Median :      0.2   Median :0.000   Median : 0.000  
##  Mean   :40.12   Mean   :-110.0   Mean   :    256.1   Mean   :1.818   Mean   : 5.977  
##  3rd Qu.:44.27   3rd Qu.:-105.2   3rd Qu.:      2.0   3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.: 8.000  
##  Max.   :81.54   Max.   : 108.0   Max.   :2000000.0   Max.   :9.000   Max.   :32.000  

List the number of fires by different (general) causes, by agency, and by agency and cause:

table(fwfod$CAUSE) # general causes
##        Human      Natural Undetermined      Unknown 
##       398847       300791          156         1458
table(fwfod$ORGANIZATI) # reporting organization
##    BIA    BLM    BOR     FS    FWS    NPS 
## 161414 168935     32 324478  28132  43897
table(fwfod$ORGANIZATI,fwfod$CAUSE) # cause by reporting organization
##        Human Natural Undetermined Unknown
##   BIA 130226   27127            0     672
##   BLM  62380   86517            0     567
##   BOR     24       8            0       0
##   FS  159201  165268            0       9
##   FWS  21593    6383          156       0
##   NPS  25423   15488            0     210

The data seem to have been read in correctly.

1.2 Clean up

There are many records (121137) with no fire-start dates (i.e. STARTDATED is missing). Get the total number of points in the data set and the number without fire-start dates.

length(fwfod[,1]) # Number of points in the data set
## [1] 726888
sum(is.na(fwfod$STARTDATED))  # number with missing start dates
## [1] 121137

For later use, create three versions of fwfod, one with all observations (fwfod_all), one with the observations with missing values of STARDATED removed (fwfod_nonmissing), and one containing only the observations with missing STARTDATED values fwfod_missing:

# create a copy of fwfod
fwfod_all <- fwfod

# set a valid-point indicator variable
fwfod_all$validpt <- rep(1,length(fwfod_all[,1]))

#check for missing STARTDATED values
fwfod_all$validpt[is.na(fwfod_all$STARTDATED) == TRUE] <- 0
##      0      1 
## 121137 605751
# Commit the changes
fwfod_nonmissing <- fwfod_all[fwfod_all$validpt == 1,]
length(fwfod_nonmissing[,1]) # Number of points in the data set with nonmissing STARTDATED values
## [1] 605751
fwfod_missing <- fwfod_all[fwfod_all$validpt == 0,]
length(fwfod_missing[,1]) # Number of points in the data set with missing STARTDATED values
## [1] 121137

At this point there are 605751 records remaining in the fwfod_nonmissing data set.

1.3 Start-day missing values

The number of records with missing STARTDATED values is relatively large, about one-fifth of the total number of points in the data set.

Map all of the points, and overlay the points with missing STARTDATED values:

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
plot(NULL, ylim=c(24,50), xlim=c(-125,-65), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE, pch=16, cex=0.2, col="red")
points(fwfod_missing$DLATITUDE ~ fwfod_missing$DLONGITUDE, pch=16, cex=0.2, col="black")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FWFOD","FWFOD_missing"), lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("red","black"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(50,75), xlim=c(-180,-125), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE, pch=16, cex=0.2, col="red")
points(fwfod_missing$DLATITUDE ~ fwfod_missing$DLONGITUDE, pch=16, cex=0.2, col="black")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FWFOD","FWFOD_missing"), lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("red","black"))


The points with missing STARTDATED values are distributed across the US, but are more concentrated in Alaska, where there does not seem to be any particular pattern, and in the western US, where the pattern seems to have some structure possibly related to the land ownership of different reporting agencies.

1.3.1 Decompose fire-start dates

The variable STARTDATED can be disassembled into its component parts, including the year (startyear), month (startmonth), day within the month (startday) and day number within the year (startdaynum).

fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED <- as.character(fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED)
fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED <- as.Date(fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED)
fwfod_nonmissing$startyear <- as.numeric(format(fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED, format="%Y"))
fwfod_nonmissing$startmon <- as.numeric(format(fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED, format="%m"))
fwfod_nonmissing$startday <- as.numeric(format(fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED, format="%d"))
fwfod_nonmissing$startdaynum <- yday((strptime(fwfod_nonmissing$STARTDATED, "%Y-%m-%d")))

Check the startyear values:

## check records
##   213  1013  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994 
##     1     1  8954 10328  6278  6451  9147 10390 15489 19422 19908 17797 17830 17332 19320 14300 23666 
##  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011 
## 16754 20189 14309 18183 21657 23064 21303 20639 22155 19210 19508 24576 20414 15651 15742 14946 15801 
##  2012  2013  2014  2015 
## 16320 16378 15475 16863

There are two records with startyear values less than 1980. Remove them:

fwfod_nonmissing <- fwfod_nonmissing[fwfod_nonmissing$startyear >= 1980, ]
##  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996 
##  8954 10328  6278  6451  9147 10390 15489 19422 19908 17797 17830 17332 19320 14300 23666 16754 20189 
##  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
## 14309 18183 21657 23064 21303 20639 22155 19210 19508 24576 20414 15651 15742 14946 15801 16320 16378 
##  2014  2015 
## 15475 16863

1.4 The start-day problem

The number of fire starts on each day of the month are listed in the following tables for all fires, naturual (e.g. lighting) and human-started fires:

# all fires
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17 
## 13915 13443 13089 14112 13478 13071 13771 13498 12478 23485 21959 22514 22375 22486 21495 21644 22245 
##    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31 
## 21559 21966 22361 21966 22549 23788 23011 22726 23280 21833 23175 22248 22581 13648
# natural (lightning)
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17 
##  6198  5841  5682  5794  5873  5798  6384  6199  5734 10800  9112  9680  9980  9442  8972  9263  9822 
##    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31 
##  9268  9533  9764  9395  9684 10562  9926  9695 10313  9143  9537  9672  9974  6296
# human
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17 
##  7598  7520  7317  8256  7537  7223  7321  7234  6663 12435 12574 12576 12134 12748 12272 12103 12147 
##    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31 
## 12003 12127 12331 12313 12605 12968 12823 12776 12678 12414 13387 12278 12295  7177

As can be seen in the tables, the typical number of fires per day in the first 9 days of the month is roughly half of the typical number for days 10 through 31 (with the number on the 31st day appropriate for the number of 31-day months of the year).

The pattern in the tables can be visualized by histograms of startday. Each day number should be roughly equally likely, but days 1 through 9 can be seen to occur less frequently (about half as many) as days 10-30:

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday, breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="FWFOD All fires", ylim=c(0,25000))
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FWFOD Natural", ylim=c(0,25000))
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Human"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FWFOD Human", ylim=c(0,25000))


Another view of the issue can be seen by looking at histograms of startdaynum, the day of the year for each fire:

hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startdaynum, breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FWFOD All fires", ylim=c(0,6000), xlim=c(0,360), col="black", xaxp=c(0, 360, 12))

hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startdaynum[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE == "Natural"], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FWFOD Natural", xlim=c(0,360), ylim=c(0,6000), col="black", xaxp=c(0, 360, 12))

hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startdaynum[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE == "Human"], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FWFOD Human", xlim=c(0,360), ylim=c(0,6000), col="black", xaxp=c(0, 360, 12))

Note the obvious “chunks” in the histograms, corresponding to days 1-9 in each month (except for Oct-Dec (e.g. stardaynum > 275), see below).

2 Comparison with FPA-FOD

The “FWFOD” data can be compared with the K.C. Short (2014) data set, 2015 version (updated through 2014), referred to here as “FPA-FOD” data):

Spatial wildfire occurrence data for the United States, 1992-2013/Fire Program Analysis Fire-Occurrence Database [FPA_FOD_20150323] (3rd Edition) (Short, K.C., 2014, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 6:1-27) – http://www.fs.usda.gov/rds/archive/Product/RDS-2013-0009.3/ (2015-07-07, downloaded 2015-08-27).

The data are read directly from the source Microsoft Access data base, so there was no external manipulation of the data. (Note that the connection to the particular Access database that is being read (FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb) is established externally to R (on Windows) using the Data Sources tool (i.e. Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)). This should be done prior to connecting to the database.)

Read the data from the Access database:

# add DSN: Control Panel > Administratative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), 
# and add FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb before attempting to connect
dbname <- "FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb"
fpafod.db <- odbcConnect(dbname)
odbcGetInfo(fpafod.db) # basic info on the database
##                          DBMS_Name                           DBMS_Ver                    Driver_ODBC_Ver 
##                           "ACCESS"                       "12.00.0000"                            "03.51" 
##                   Data_Source_Name                        Driver_Name                         Driver_Ver 
##           "FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb"                      "ACEODBC.DLL" "Microsoft Access database engine" 
##                           ODBC_Ver                        Server_Name 
##                       "03.80.0000"                           "ACCESS"
sqlTables(fpafod.db, tableType="TABLE") # list tables in the database
##                                                                                    TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM
## 1 E:\\Projects\\fire\\DailyFireStarts\\data\\RDS-2013-0009.3\\source\\FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb        <NA>
## 2 E:\\Projects\\fire\\DailyFireStarts\\data\\RDS-2013-0009.3\\source\\FPA_FOD_20150323.accdb        <NA>
##                   TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS
## 1                      Fires      TABLE    <NA>
## 2 NWCG_UnitIdActive_20120305      TABLE    <NA>
sqlColumns(fpafod.db, "Fires")$COLUMN_NAME # list the variables in the Fires table
##  [1] "FOD_ID"                     "FPA_ID"                     "SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE"        
## [10] "LOCAL_FIRE_REPORT_ID"       "LOCAL_INCIDENT_ID"          "FIRE_CODE"                 
## [13] "FIRE_NAME"                  "ICS_209_INCIDENT_NUMBER"    "ICS_209_NAME"              
## [16] "MTBS_ID"                    "MTBS_FIRE_NAME"             "COMPLEX_NAME"              
## [19] "FIRE_YEAR"                  "DISCOVERY_DATE"             "DISCOVERY_DOY"             
## [22] "DISCOVERY_TIME"             "STAT_CAUSE_CODE"            "STAT_CAUSE_DESCR"          
## [25] "CONT_DATE"                  "CONT_DOY"                   "CONT_TIME"                 
## [28] "FIRE_SIZE"                  "FIRE_SIZE_CLASS"            "LATITUDE"                  
## [31] "LONGITUDE"                  "OWNER_CODE"                 "OWNER_DESCR"               
## [34] "STATE"                      "COUNTY"                     "FIPS_CODE"                 
## [37] "FIPS_NAME"

Define the query:


Get the data (this can take a little while), and close the data base:

fpafod <- sqlQuery(fpafod.db, query1)

List the variables, first and last lines, and summarize the FPA-FOD data set:

str(fpafod, strict.width="cut")
## 'data.frame':    1727476 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ FOD_ID               : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ NWCG_REPORTING_AGENCY: Factor w/ 11 levels "BIA","BLM","BOR",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
##  $ FIRE_YEAR            : int  2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2004 ...
##  $ DISCOVERY_DATE       : POSIXct, format: "2005-02-02" "2004-05-12" "2004-05-31" ...
##  $ DISCOVERY_DOY        : int  33 133 152 180 180 182 183 67 74 183 ...
##  $ STAT_CAUSE_CODE      : num  9 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 ...
##  $ CONT_DATE            : POSIXct, format: "2005-02-02" "2004-05-12" "2004-05-31" ...
##  $ CONT_DOY             : int  33 133 152 185 185 183 184 67 74 184 ...
##  $ FIRE_SIZE            : num  0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8 1 0.1 ...
##  $ LATITUDE             : num  40 38.9 39 38.6 38.6 ...
##  $ LONGITUDE            : num  -121 -120 -121 -120 -120 ...
##  $ STATE                : Factor w/ 52 levels "AK","AL","AR",..: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
head(fpafod); tail(fpafod)
## 1      1                    FS      2005     2005-02-02            33               9 2005-02-02
## 2      2                    FS      2004     2004-05-12           133               1 2004-05-12
## 3      3                    FS      2004     2004-05-31           152               5 2004-05-31
## 4      4                    FS      2004     2004-06-28           180               1 2004-07-03
## 5      5                    FS      2004     2004-06-28           180               1 2004-07-03
## 6      6                    FS      2004     2004-06-30           182               1 2004-07-01
## 1       33      0.10 40.03694 -121.0058    CA
## 2      133      0.25 38.93306 -120.4044    CA
## 3      152      0.10 38.98417 -120.7356    CA
## 4      185      0.10 38.55917 -119.9133    CA
## 5      185      0.10 38.55917 -119.9331    CA
## 6      183      0.10 38.63528 -120.1036    CA
## 1727471 201940176                ST/C&L      2005     2005-03-12            71              13
## 1727472 201940177                ST/C&L      2005     2005-04-20           110              13
## 1727473 201940178                ST/C&L      2005     2005-11-24           328              13
## 1727474 201940179                ST/C&L      2004     2004-04-18           109              13
## 1727475 201940180                ST/C&L      2004     2004-04-17           108              13
## 1727476 201940182                ST/C&L      2004     2004-04-08            99              13
## 1727471 2005-03-13       72       328 36.96667 -92.83333    MO
## 1727472 2005-04-21      111       282 38.31333 -93.86667    MO
## 1727473       <NA>       NA       201 38.26583 -93.66833    MO
## 1727474 2004-04-19      110      1026 38.04167 -91.02222    MO
## 1727475 2004-04-17      108       259 37.53806 -92.96750    MO
## 1727476 2004-04-08       99       304 36.83333 -92.50000    MO
##  Min.   :        1   ST/C&L :1254551       Min.   :1992   Min.   :1992-01-01 00:00:00   Min.   :  1.0  
##  1st Qu.:   465673   FS     : 206731       1st Qu.:1998   1st Qu.:1998-04-25 00:00:00   1st Qu.: 89.0  
##  Median :   985582   BIA    : 108423       Median :2003   Median :2003-06-30 00:00:00   Median :164.0  
##  Mean   : 32179232   BLM    :  90801       Mean   :2003   Mean   :2003-03-31 04:27:10   Mean   :164.9  
##  3rd Qu.:  1761114   IA     :  21841       3rd Qu.:2008   3rd Qu.:2008-05-05 00:00:00   3rd Qu.:230.0  
##  Max.   :201940182   NPS    :  19571       Max.   :2013   Max.   :2013-12-31 00:00:00   Max.   :366.0  
##                      (Other):  25558                                                                   
##  STAT_CAUSE_CODE    CONT_DATE                      CONT_DOY        FIRE_SIZE           LATITUDE    
##  Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :1992-01-01 00:00:00   Min.   :  1.0    Min.   :     0.0   Min.   :17.94  
##  1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.:1996-09-03 00:00:00   1st Qu.:104.0    1st Qu.:     0.1   1st Qu.:32.83  
##  Median : 5.000   Median :2003-05-07 00:00:00   Median :183.0    Median :     1.0   Median :35.40  
##  Mean   : 5.921   Mean   :2003-04-05 08:42:42   Mean   :173.9    Mean   :    73.0   Mean   :36.79  
##  3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.:2009-06-26 00:00:00   3rd Qu.:232.0    3rd Qu.:     3.6   3rd Qu.:40.77  
##  Max.   :13.000   Max.   :2013-12-31 00:00:00   Max.   :366.0    Max.   :606945.0   Max.   :70.14  
##                   NA's   :854941                NA's   :854941                                     
##    LONGITUDE           STATE       
##  Min.   :-178.80   CA     :173634  
##  1st Qu.:-109.83   GA     :162479  
##  Median : -91.18   TX     :125227  
##  Mean   : -95.29   NC     :104263  
##  3rd Qu.: -82.25   FL     : 85576  
##  Max.   : -65.26   SC     : 78127  
##                    (Other):998170

2.1 FPA-FOD start-day values

The FPA-FOD data have an explicit day-of-year variable DISCOVERY_DOY, so just get the other date-related variables:

fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE <- as.Date(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE)
fpafod$startyear <- as.numeric(format(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE, format="%Y"))
fpafod$startmon <- as.numeric(format(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE, format="%m"))
fpafod$startday <- as.numeric(format(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DATE, format="%d"))

The number of fire starts on each day of the month in the FPA-FOD data set are listed in the following tables, for all fires, natural- and human-started fires:

# all fires
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17 
## 57486 57806 58757 64298 61052 57692 59121 57577 55757 57911 56789 57509 55792 55080 55287 54401 56718 
##    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31 
## 56651 57887 55377 55552 56354 57456 57870 56909 54532 52670 55084 51740 49233 31128
# natural (STAT_CAUSE_CODE = 1)
table(fpafod$startday[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1])
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21 
## 8551 8677 9101 8873 8741 8480 8557 8049 8002 8510 8264 8595 8761 8316 8120 8153 8523 8532 8427 8427 8924 
##   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31 
## 8492 9123 8864 8666 8214 7749 8604 8550 8167 5299
# human (STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1)
table(fpafod$startday[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1])
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17 
## 48935 49129 49656 55425 52311 49212 50564 49528 47755 49401 48525 48914 47031 46764 47167 46248 48195 
##    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31 
## 48119 49460 46950 46628 47862 48333 49006 48243 46318 44921 46480 43190 41066 25829

Get histograms as before, to visualize the pattern:

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
hist(fpafod$startday, breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="FPA-FOD All fires", ylim=c(0,70000))
hist(fpafod$startday[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FPA-FOD Natural", ylim=c(0,70000))
hist(fpafod$startday[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  main="FPA-FOD Human", ylim=c(0,70000))


Note that the distribution of start days over the month seems appropriate. (Note also that day 4 (across all months) stands out a little in all and human-started fires, see more on this below.) There are more fires in the FPA-FOD data than in the FWFOD set, with most of the additional fires being human-started fires.

Here are the histograms of startdaynum, the day of the year for each fire:

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY, breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE,
  ylim=c(0,12000), xlim=c(0,360), col="black", xaxp=c(0, 360, 12))

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,12000), xlim=c(0,360), col="black", xaxp=c(0, 360, 12), main="DISCOVERY_DOY (Natural)")

hist(fpafod$DISCOVERY_DOY[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  ylim=c(0,12000), xlim=c(0,360), col="black", xaxp=c(0, 360, 12), main="DISCOVERY_DOY (Human)")

Note that relative to the FWFOD data, the FPA-FOD data include many more human-started fires in the first third of the year.

2.2 Comparison summary

The histograms and tables show that the unusually low incidence of fires in the first nine days of the month in the FWFOD data is not evident in the FPA-FOD data set. The histgrams of DISCOVERY_DOY also clearly show the “Fourth of July” anomaly in human fires noted by Bartlein et al. (2008), which is absent in the FWFOD data. The peak appears at days 185 and 186, with the spread likely related to “three-day-weekend” plus leap-year effects. Another smaller peak is evident at days 246 to 248, corresponding to the Labor Day weekend. These peaks do not appear in the FWFOD data.

The more regular distribution of fire-start days (1-31) in the FPA-FOD data set, and the absence of missing chunks in the histogram of DISCOVERY_DOY suggests that the features evident in the FWFOD data set are not general characteristics of fire-start data sets but are anomalies unique to the FWFOD data.

3 Further comparisons

3.1 Start-day distributions

Some additional comparisons can be made between the two data sets. First, create a pair of indicator variables that classify each fire as to whether it occurs on days 1-9, as opposed to 10-31, in each month:

# fwfod
fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 <- fwfod_nonmissing$startday
fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 <- ifelse(fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 <= 9,  
  fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 <- "1-9", fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 <- "10-31")
##    1-9  10-31 
## 120855 484894
# fpafod
fpafod$startday2 <- fpafod$startday
fpafod$startday2 <- ifelse(fpafod$startday2 <= 9,
  fpafod$startday2 <- "1-9", fpafod$startday2 <- "10-31")
##     1-9   10-31 
##  529546 1197930

There is no straightforward way to discover the nature of the “missing” day 1-9 fires, owing to the basic difference in size of the two data sets, with the FWFOD data consisting of 709972 records and the FPAFOD data consisting of 1727476 records, a difference that becomes exaggerated when the records with missing STARTDATED values are removed.

3.2 Annual time series

3.2.1 Fire numbers

The main difference between the two is the greater number of fires overall in the FPA-FOD data set:

total_by_year_fwfod <- table(fwfod_nonmissing$startyear)
##  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996 
##  8954 10328  6278  6451  9147 10390 15489 19422 19908 17797 17830 17332 19320 14300 23666 16754 20189 
##  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
## 14309 18183 21657 23064 21303 20639 22155 19210 19508 24576 20414 15651 15742 14946 15801 16320 16378 
##  2014  2015 
## 15475 16863
total_by_year_fpafod <- table(fpafod$startyear)
##   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006 
##  67964  62019  75992  71496  75604  61472  68388  89398  96454  86069  75136  67380  68616  87391 113242 
##   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013 
##  94681  84654  77263  78484  89897  71768  64108
total_by_year_fwfod_all <- table(fwfod_all$YEAR_)
##  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996 
## 10407 12115  7717  8698 11511 13693 18551 22356 22743 20457 21348 20266 22926 17669 27877 20848 24915 
##  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
## 17851 22327 25616 27980 26535 25374 26257 23086 24483 31016 25293 19468 19668 18263 19466 20809 16706 
##  2014  2015 
## 15617 16976
total_by_year_fwfod_missing <- table(fwfod_missing$YEAR_)
## 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 
## 1453 1787 1439 2247 2364 3303 3062 2934 2835 2660 3518 2934 3606 3369 4211 4094 4726 3542 4144 3959 4916 
## 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 
## 5232 4735 4102 3876 4975 6440 4879 3817 3926 3317 3667 4510  317  128  113

Plot the individual data sets by year, with the FPA-FOD data in blue, the FWFOD data with nonmissing values of STARTDATED in red (fwfod), all fires (whith valid values of YEAR_) in the FWFOD data set in purple (fwfod_all), and the number of fires in the FWFOD data set with missing STARTDATED values in black (fwfod_missing):

plot(NULL, xlim=c(1980, 2014), ylim=c(0,120000), xlab="Year", 
  ylab="Number of Fires", main="FPA-FOD & FWFOD, All Fires")
points(total_by_year_fpafod, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="blue")
points(total_by_year_fwfod, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="red")
points(total_by_year_fwfod_all, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="purple")
points(total_by_year_fwfod_missing, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="black")
legend("topleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD_nonmissing","FWFOD_all","FWFOD_missing"), cex=0.5, 
  lwd=3, col=c("blue","red","purple","black"))

When the records with missing values of STARTDATED are included there are still many fewer fires in the FWFOD data set than in the FPA-FOD data.

This difference in number of fires is mainly attributable to more humuan-started fires in the FPA-FOD data. The difference in numbers of natural fires between data sets is much smaller:

total_by_year_fwfod_natural <- table(fwfod_nonmissing$startyear[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"])
##  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996 
##  3069  3959  2598  2517  4115  4127  7003  8470  9490  8653  8332  9200 10207  4925  9624  7321  9989 
##  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
##  6185  7280  7985 11248  9632  8739 11392  9243  7209 11162  8055  5840  6656  5358  6391  6305  7959 
##  2014  2015 
##  6367  6731
total_by_year_fpafod_natural <- table(fpafod$startyear[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1])
##  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008 
## 12240  7544 16213  8078 12643  8456 10893 11810 16559 13842 12480 13849 11732 11104 16958 12719  9914 
##  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
## 10492  8980 12539 11130 10136
total_by_year_fwfod_natural_all <- table(fwfod_all$YEAR_[fwfod_all$CAUSE=="Natural"])
##  1980  1981  1982  1983  1984  1985  1986  1987  1988  1989  1990  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996 
##  3501  4428  2986  3336  4896  5251  8273  9465 10173  9518  9836 10001 11187  5740 10949  8361 11419 
##  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013 
##  7093  8093  9070 13004 11736 10047 12797 10357  8461 13357  9489  6923  8055  6295  7470  7890  8217 
##  2014  2015 
##  6379  6738
total_by_year_fwfod_natural_missing <- table(fwfod_missing$YEAR_[fwfod_missing$CAUSE=="Natural"])
## 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 
##  432  469  388  819  781 1124 1270  995  683  865 1504  801  980  815 1325 1040 1430  908  813 1085 1756 
## 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 
## 2104 1308 1405 1114 1252 2195 1434 1083 1399  937 1080 1596  249    7    7

Plot the numbers of natural fires in the two data sets by year:

plot(NULL, xlim=c(1980, 2014), ylim=c(0,20000), xlab="Year", 
  ylab="Number of Fires", main="FPA-FOD & FWFOD, Natural Fires")
points(total_by_year_fpafod_natural, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="blue")
points(total_by_year_fwfod_natural, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="red")
points(total_by_year_fwfod_natural_all, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="purple")
points(total_by_year_fwfod_natural_missing, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="black")
legend("topleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD_nonmissing","FWFOD_all","FWFOD_missing"), lwd=3, cex=0.5,

When only natural fires are considered, the two data sets are quite similar over the time interval in which they overlap.

3.2.2 Area burned

Compare the data sets by area burned:

area_by_year_fwfod <- tapply(fwfod_nonmissing$TOTALACRES, fwfod_nonmissing$startyear, sum)
##       1980       1981       1982       1983       1984       1985       1986       1987       1988 
##   931432.6  1909878.5   431603.7   674330.6  1227326.9  2195640.3  1531809.1  2350410.9  9318866.2 
##       1989       1990       1991       1992       1993       1994       1995       1996       1997 
##  1508011.6  3979282.5  2822925.1  1497696.4  1877752.4  3270012.7  1195350.0  4859594.3  2661678.2 
##       1998       1999       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004       2005       2006 
##  1081625.7  4901843.8  8131283.3  2217285.5  9312744.2  4673114.0  9810219.5 12675625.2  7407883.0 
##       2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013       2014       2015 
##  7785438.1  3344755.3  5984267.2  2998561.1  4650865.5  6965254.5  4355250.3  3382318.0  9367625.2
area_by_year_fpafod <- tapply(fpafod$FIRE_SIZE, fpafod$startyear, sum)
##     1992     1993     1994     1995     1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002 
##  2199155  2190573  4117695  2049724  6006249  3215305  1991693  6068631  7637345  3722202  6801327 
##     2003     2004     2005     2006     2007     2008     2009     2010     2011     2012     2013 
##  4472769  8231818  9640999 10039315  9263460  5404557  6053240  3486975  9615953  9439844  4489107
area_by_year_fwfod_all <- tapply(fwfod_all$TOTALACRES, fwfod_all$YEAR_, sum)
##       1980       1981       1982       1983       1984       1985       1986       1987       1988 
##  1021614.1  2226794.9   541845.1  1296013.1  1658072.7  3522536.6  2448316.8  2531699.0  9919140.0 
##       1989       1990       1991       1992       1993       1994       1995       1996       1997 
##  1789685.6  6480643.6  3358993.2  2022102.3  2294679.2  3995578.2  1590739.5  6017307.4  3557767.5 
##       1998       1999       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004       2005       2006 
##  1533760.3  7216652.9  9247188.8  3286506.8 11062875.4  5339074.3 11643353.9 13943756.9  8615977.6 
##       2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013       2014       2015 
##  9543089.2  3863763.0  7253877.4  3898328.0  5889831.0 10358378.6  4451557.2  3382379.9  9368096.8
area_by_year_fwfod_missing <- tapply(fwfod_missing$TOTALACRES, fwfod_missing$YEAR_, sum)
##       1980       1981       1982       1983       1984       1985       1986       1987       1988 
##   90181.50  316916.40  110241.40  621682.50  430745.80 1326896.30  916507.70  181288.10  600273.80 
##       1989       1990       1991       1992       1993       1994       1995       1996       1997 
##  281674.00 2501361.10  536068.20  524405.90  416926.90  725565.50  395389.50 1157713.10  896089.30 
##       1998       1999       2000       2001       2002       2003       2004       2005       2006 
##  452134.60 2314809.10 1115905.50 1069221.30 1750131.20  665960.30 1833134.45 1268131.72 1208094.61 
##       2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       2012       2013       2014       2015 
## 1757651.05  519007.68 1269610.15  899766.93 1238965.72 3393231.08   96212.49      46.70     471.60

Plot the annual area-burned totals in the two data sets:

plot(NULL, xlim=c(1980, 2014), ylim=c(0,15000000), xlab="Year", 
  ylab="Total Area", main="FPA-FOD & FWFOD, Total Area of All Fires")
fwfod_year <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(area_by_year_fwfod)))
fwfod_area <- as.numeric(area_by_year_fwfod)
points(fwfod_year,fwfod_area, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="red")
fpafod_year <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(area_by_year_fpafod)))
fpafod_area <- as.numeric(area_by_year_fpafod)
points(fpafod_year,fpafod_area, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="blue")
fwfod_year_all <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(area_by_year_fwfod_all)))
fwfod_area_all <- as.numeric(area_by_year_fwfod_all)
points(fwfod_year_all,fwfod_area_all, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="purple")
fwfod_year_missing <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames(area_by_year_fwfod_missing)))
fwfod_area_missing <- as.numeric(area_by_year_fwfod_missing)
points(fwfod_year_missing,fwfod_area_missing, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="black")
legend("topleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD_nonmissing","FWFOD_all","FWFOD_missing"), lwd=3, cex=0.5,

The extent of agreement between the FPA-FOD and FWFOD data sets when only the year of occurrence of the fires is considered, and not the month or day of occurrence, suggests that the FWFOD data set could still be used to represent annual area burned in years prior to the beginning of the FPA-FOD data (i.e. before 1992).

3.3 Fire-start locations

Map the data:

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(NULL, ylim=c(24,50), xlim=c(-125,-65), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Natural")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
  ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD"), lwd=3, col=c("blue","red"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(24,50), xlim=c(-125,-65), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Human")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Human"] ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Human"], 
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD"), lwd=3, col=c("blue","red"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(50,75), xlim=c(-180,-125), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Natural")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"] ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"], 
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD"), lwd=3, col=c("blue","red"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(50,75), xlim=c(-180,-125), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Human")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE > 1], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Human"] ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Human"], 
  pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD"), lwd=3, col=c("blue","red"))


3.3.1 Map comparisons

By plotting the FWFOD data (in blue) over the FPA-FOD data (in red) in the above maps, the location of the additional fires in the FPA-FOD data set becomes apparent. The additional fires in the FPA-FOD data set relative to FWFOD are found mainly in the lower-48 states east of 105 W.

Next, plot the fire-start data for natural fires for days 1-9 from the two data sets, and overlay these with the locations of points in the FWFOD data set with missing STARTDATED values in black (i.e. values in fwfod_missing). (Recall that these points can not be plotted by day, only by year, so all points are plotted.)

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(NULL, ylim=c(24,50), xlim=c(-125,-65), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Natural, startday 1-9")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD"), lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("blue","red"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(24,50), xlim=c(-125,-65), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Natural, startday 1-9")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
  ~ fwfod_missing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="black")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD", "FWFOD_missing"), lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("blue","red","black"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(50,75), xlim=c(-180,-125), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Natural, startday 1-9")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD"), lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("blue","red"))

plot(NULL, ylim=c(50,75), xlim=c(-180,-125), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", main="Natural, startday 1-9")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray"); map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(fpafod$LATITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fpafod$LONGITUDE[fpafod$STAT_CAUSE_CODE == 1 & fpafod$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(fwfod_nonmissing$DLATITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"] 
  ~ fwfod_nonmissing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural" & fwfod_nonmissing$startday2 == "1-9"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="red")
  ~ fwfod_missing$DLONGITUDE[fwfod_nonmissing$CAUSE=="Natural"], pch=16, cex=0.3, col="black")
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("FPA-FOD","FWFOD", "FWFOD_missing"), lwd=3, cex=0.5, col=c("blue","red","black"))


In the above maps, locations were the FPA-FOD data set includes fires with startdays 1-9, but the FWFOD does not, show through in blue in left-hand maps. In the right-haNd maps, particularly for the western U.S., the black missing STARTDATED points fill in many of the areas where the FPA-FOD data show through. This suggests that the “missing” fires on days 1-9 in the FWFOD data may be found among the points with missing STARTDATED values.

4 FWFOD start day by agency

Plot the startday values in the fwfod data set as a function of agency.

oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,3))
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$ORGANIZATI=="BIA"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="BIA")
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$ORGANIZATI=="BLM"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="BLM")
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$ORGANIZATI=="BOR"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="BOR")
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$ORGANIZATI=="FS"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="FS")
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$ORGANIZATI=="FWS"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="FWS")
hist(fwfod_nonmissing$startday[fwfod_nonmissing$ORGANIZATI=="NPS"], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, main="NPS")


These plots clearly show that the Forest Service (FS) and Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) records are complete, and that the missing fires must lie in the BIA, BLM and NPS data sets (and likely also in the BOR data).

5 Conclusions

There are several observations that can be drawn from the analysis: