1 National Fire Occurrence Data, Federal and State Lands, 1986-1996, v1999

National Fire Occurrence Data, Federal and State Lands, 1986-1996, v1999 – http://www.firelab.org/document/national-fire-occurrence-federal-and-state-lands-1986-1996-v1999 (This is the current name and location of these data– they were formerlly called the National Fire Occurrence Database.)

1.1 Overview

Because the current version of the file stptfire.shp_.zip (and the component .dbf file) is damaged, the cleaned-up data set originally developed by Sarah Shafer was used. The basic take-away message here is that these data are fine, but are limited in time (1986-1996) and space (coterminous U.S. only).

Read the data.

filename <- "e:/Projects/fire/DailyFireStarts/data/NFOv1999/allfireb.csv"
nfo <- read.csv(filename)

List the first and last lines.

head(nfo); tail(nfo)
## 1 48.966 -121.813 1990          8       15          8       24           0.08         1      1      f
## 2 48.932 -121.966 1991          8       26          8       30           1.21         9      2      f
## 3 48.932 -121.949 1991          9       30         10        5           0.36         9      2      f
## 4 48.966 -121.763 1990          8       10          8       24           0.20         1      1      f
## 5 48.949 -121.830 1990          8       10          8       11           0.12         1      1      f
## 6 48.932 -121.763 1990          8       10          8       12           0.12         1      1      f
## 1 590246307
## 2 591271561
## 3 591271562
## 4 590246304
## 5 590246305
## 6 590246303
## 976027 41.89077 -85.16563 1988          7        6          7       21           0.81         4      2
## 976028 41.85097 -84.14974 1996          8       14          8       27           0.97         4      2
## 976029 41.83451 -84.28418 1988          7        4          7        5          10.12         6      2
## 976030 41.83283 -84.52458 1996          4       18          4       18           1.21         4      2
## 976031 41.76099 -84.20419 1988          6       13          6       13           1.21         4      2
## 976032 41.75822 -84.34524 1991         10       17         10       29           8.90         5      2
## 976027      s    266130
## 976028      s    266213
## 976029      s    266212
## 976030      s    266190
## 976031      s    266206
## 976032      s    266209
length(nfo[,1]) # Number of points in the data set
## [1] 976032
str(nfo, strict.width="cut") # Variables in the data set
## 'data.frame':    976032 obs. of  12 variables:
##  $ LAT_DD        : num  49 48.9 48.9 49 48.9 ...
##  $ LONG_DD       : num  -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 ...
##  $ YEAR          : int  1990 1991 1991 1990 1990 1990 1991 1989 1993 1995 ...
##  $ MONTH_DISC    : int  8 8 9 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 ...
##  $ DAY_DISC      : int  15 26 30 10 10 10 6 28 26 14 ...
##  $ MONTH_CONT    : int  8 8 10 8 8 8 8 10 10 9 ...
##  $ DAY_CONT      : int  24 30 5 24 11 12 10 2 4 25 ...
##  $ HECTARES_TOTAL: num  0.08 1.21 0.36 0.2 0.12 0.12 0.04 4.86 0.04 0.04 ...
##  $ CAUSE_STD     : int  1 9 9 1 1 1 1 2 7 9 ...
##  $ CAUSE2        : int  1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...
##  $ SOURCE        : Factor w/ 3 levels "c","f","s": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ UNIQUENUM     : int  590246307 591271561 591271562 590246304 590246305 590246303 591271554 589246264..

Map the data

plot(nfo$LAT_DD ~ nfo$LONG_DD, ylim=c(25,50), xlim=c(-125,-65), type="n",
  xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(nfo$LAT_DD ~ nfo$LONG_DD, pch=16, cex=0.2, col="red")

Number of fires by different causes, cause=0 (unknown), cause=1 (lightning), cause=2 (human)

##      0      1      2 
##  74541 143796 757695
nfo$startdate <- as.Date(paste(as.character(nfo$YEAR),as.character(nfo$MONTH_DISC),
  as.character(nfo$DAY_DISC), sep="-"))
nfo$startdaynum <- yday((strptime(nfo$startdate, "%Y-%m-%d")))
nfo$startday <- as.numeric(format(nfo$DAY_DISC, format="%d"))
nfo$startmon <- as.numeric(format(nfo$MONTH_DISC, format="%m"))

Histograms of start-day number of the YEAR_ (startdaynum) for all data, human and lightning:

hist(nfo$startdaynum, breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,8000), xlim=c(0,400))

hist(nfo$startdaynum[nfo$CAUSE2==1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  xlim=c(0,400), ylim=c(0,6000), main="nfo Lightning")

hist(nfo$startdaynum[nfo$CAUSE2==2], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  xlim=c(0,400), ylim=c(0,6000), main="nfo Human")

Histograms of the start day over all months

hist(nfo$startday, breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,60000))

hist(nfo$startday[nfo$CAUSE2==1], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,30000),
  main="nfo Lightning")

hist(nfo$startday[nfo$CAUSE2==2], breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,30000),
  main="nfo Human")

## [1] 976032
hist(nfo$startday, breaks=seq(-0.5,31.5,by=1))

nfo$startday2 <- nfo$startday
nfo$startday2 <- ifelse(nfo$startday2 <= 9,  nfo$startday2 <- "1-9", nfo$startday2 <- "10-31")
## [1] 976032
##    1-9  10-31 
## 291030 685002
nfo.table <- table(nfo$YEAR, nfo$startday2)
nfo.year <- as.integer(row.names(nfo.table))
nfo.ratio <- nfo.table[,1]/nfo.table[,2]
mosaicplot(nfo.table, color=c(3,4), cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="Start Day in Month by Year")

plot(nfo.year, nfo.ratio, pch=16, type="o", lwd=3, col="red")

nfo.table.start <- table(nfo$startmon, nfo$startday2)
mosaicplot(nfo.table.start, color=c(3,4), cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="Start Day in Month by Month")

nfo.tablemon <- table(nfo$YEAR, nfo$startmon)
mosaicplot(nfo.tablemon, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="All Fires")

nfo.tablemon.n <- table(nfo$YEAR[nfo$CAUSE2==1], nfo$startmon[nfo$CAUSE2==1])
mosaicplot(nfo.tablemon.n, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="Lightning Fires")

nfo.tablemon.h <- table(nfo$YEAR[nfo$CAUSE2==2], nfo$startmon[nfo$CAUSE2==2])
mosaicplot(nfo.tablemon.h, color=monthcolors, cex.axis=0.6, las=3, main="Human Fires")

1.2 Western U.S. Subset

This subset should correspond exactly to the data set used in Bartlein et al. (2008) (i.e. fires with longitudes <= -102.0), however, there are few more records

nfo.wus <- nfo[nfo$LONG_DD <= -102.0 & nfo$YEAR <= 1996 ,]
## [1] 341156
##      0      1      2 
##  18760 118961 203435

Map the data

plot(nfo.wus$LAT_DD ~ nfo.wus$LONG_DD, ylim=c(27.5,50), xlim=c(-125,-100), type="n",
  xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude")
map("world", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
map("state", add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="gray")
points(nfo.wus$LAT_DD ~ nfo.wus$LONG_DD, pch=16, cex=0.2, col="red")

Histograms Western U.S.

hist(nfo.wus$startdaynum, breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, ylim=c(0,6000), xlim=c(0,400))

hist(nfo.wus$startdaynum[nfo.wus$CAUSE2==1], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  xlim=c(0,400), ylim=c(0,6000), main="nfo.wus Lightning")

hist(nfo.wus$startdaynum[nfo.wus$CAUSE2==2], breaks=seq(-0.5,366.5,by=1), freq=-TRUE, 
  xlim=c(0,400), ylim=c(0,6000), main="nfo.wus Human")