This set of web pages documents the development of a daily fire-start data set for the U.S. and Canada for the interval 1986-2013. There were several steps involved in the construction of this data set. These include:
- initial editing and clean-up of candidate data sets
- selection of the appropriate candidate data sets to merge
- selection of an appropriate (lower) fire-size threshold to produce a homogeneous merged data set
- development of a common set of fire-cause descriptions across data sets
The links above provide the following information:
- Introduction: Discussion of the analysis steps
- Data Sets: Examination of individual data sets
- Merging Data: Development of the merged data sets
- Analyses: Analyses of the merged data
- Analyses: Data:
and .Rdata
The end product is a merged data set containing the start date, location, ultimate size and cause of 2,089,544 fires, which may be downloaded using the Data link above.